In a search for better health during my own personal struggle with Crohn's disease, Rosacea and acne all I wanted was a solution that made sense. No doctor I saw was able to offer long-term hope. They said that there is no known cause, cure and that it would likely shorten my life significantly.
Through my teenage years I found myself in and out of the hospital and Dr.'s offices. New unexplained inflammatory challenges sprung up every year and predicting how I'd be feeling any given month in the future was impossible. Imagine how amazed I was over 13 years later with the discovery and application of this research to find out every one of my doctors were misinformed.
There was an answer.
As I addressed the imbalance by using Dr. Robert O. Young's principals of alkalizing the fluids and tissues of my body. Within days I noticed significant change and within 6 months I was symptom free. I have been completely free of what was previously daily/weekly/monthly symptoms of poor digestion, gas, bloating, inflammation and pain in my stomach and intestines as well as severe acne & rosacea for years - thanks to the pH Miracle Diet and Lifestyle and Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's research.
So unlike most messages today on health be confident in the knowledge that you can actually take control of your own health. If you desire, choose to apply the Young's principles or supplements to your lifestyle. That first step will begin a transformation in your life and allow you to take your first steps toward true long-term health and personal well-being. As a Dr. Young tranined nutritional microscopist I am continually amazed that, although this "New Biology"(R) of alkalizing is arguably the greatest scientific discovery to date, it remains generally unknown by the masses. But there is a current shift in conciousness due to a myriad of factors not the least being that people in the United States have reached a crisis point. Many individuals and families are facing escalating health challenges despite traditional medical treatments that they are actively seeking outside the box. And while a surprising many parents don't care much about their own health they do care about the health of their children.
This has opened a door for many marketing opportunists and unproven yet appealing alternative methods within the media. From The Atkins, the Zone diet, Nutrasystem to Weight Watchers, the market has become saturated with new ways to "get healthy" or "lose weight" which has further confused people. But the confusion is the lesser evil as most of these "diet" trends and products are actually harmful to your health.
However, on a positive note, this "health" focused market, has begun to stir up the findings of microbiologist and research scientist, Dr. Robert O. Young who has until recently been little heard from or acknowledged but whose research has opened the door into a "New Biology"(R) he calls the pH Miracle Diet and Lifestyle.
Research the links below and take part in Dr. Young's latest evolution of science in health and wellness.
-Mike Costa
Dr. Robert O. Young trained
Nutritional Microscopist
PS Our next European Basic Microscopy course will be held on June 15th through June 19th, in London, England at the London Hilton. To sign up go to:
Our next US Basic, Masters, and Advanced Mircroscopy will be held July 6 through July 25th, in Valley Center, California at the Rancho del Sol. To sign up go to:
Our next Internship will be held July 26th through July 31st, in Valley Center, California at the Rancho del Sol. To sign up go to:
Our next US Retreat will be held June 4th through June 6th in Valley Center, California at the Rancho del Sol. To sign up go to:
Our next European Retreat will be held June 13 through the 14th in London, England at the London Hilton. To sign up go to:
Our nex US Retreat will be held June 27th through the 28th in New York City, New York. To sign up go to:
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