I thought you might find the following pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet testimonies interesting and helpful.
I believe it shows the power of what is possible when you properly alkalize, exercise and energize your body with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Dietary Plan.
If I might make a suggestion? Come on down to the Ranch del Sol and attend one of our life changing and life saving Retreats or Microscopy Courses. We are also offering Retreats and Microscopy Courses around the world.
Our next Retreat at the Rancho del Sol is on June 4th through the 6th. To sign-up go to:
Our next European Retreat is in London, England at the London Hilton on June 13th and 14th. To sign-up go to:
Our next European Microscopy course is in London, England at the London Hilton on June 15th through June 19th. To sign-up go to: http://www.phmiracleliving.com/t-MICROSCOPY-COURSE.aspx
Our next US Retreat is in New York City, New York on June 27th and 28th. To sign-up go to: www.organicavenue.com
Our next Microscopy course will be held at the Rancho del Sol in Valley Center, California on July 6ththrough July 31st.
This 4 week course includes the works - The Basic, Masters and Advance Microscopy courses and the 7-day Internship. In four week you will have completed all requirements for becoming a Certified Microscopist and a pH Miracle Living Coach. To enroll, call Dr. Robert O. Young at: 760-7-8321. Please send CV and/or resume to: The pH Miracle Living Center, 16390 Dia Del Sol, Valley Center, California, 92082, for qualification.
Let's see what we can do together to help you learn the life changing and life saving protocols on how to prevent and/or reverse All sickness and dis-ease.
The current medical treatment of a cancerous condition (Breast or Prostate) using a hormonal approach is like putting a Band-Aid on an open wound. Hormones are toxic acidic waste products from glandular metabolism and an indication that the gland is functioning or working to a lesser or greater degree. Much like the carbon monoxide exhaust from a car is the acidic waste product of the engines metabolism and an indication that the car is running to a lesser or greater degree. Lowering a hormone is not the solution in preventing or reversing a cancerous condition. Just like adding carbon monoxide back into the engine of a car will not increase performance. The solution to preventing and/or reversing a cancerous condition is to improve the elimination of dietary and/or metabolic acids through the four channels of elimination. These four channels of acid elimination include urination, perspiration, defecation and respiration. The key then to preventing and/or reversing a cancerous condition is to reduce dietary and/or metabolic acidity and improve elimination of these acidic toxins - not increase acidity with acidic toxic hormone injections.
I hope you will consider coming to one of our next Retreats or Microscopy Courses in your area. Future Retreats are planned in Vancouver, Canada, Sidney, Australia, Beijing, China, and Moscow, Russia. The pH Miracle Living Retreats and Microscopy courses are guaranteed to change your life forever.
In light and love,
Dr. Robert O. Young
I visited a doctor 18 months ago because of a concern that I had about the color of my sperm (which was brown), a rectal exam was done, this proved that cancer was present, a blood test showed a PSA of 66. which was pretty high, a CT scan showed that the cancer had matastisized to my pelvis and other areas of bone.
I refused chemo, radiation treatment or an operation this giving only one option at the time, Hormonal treatment. I was put on a regime of three monthly injections of Zoladex (this clouds the pituitary signal for the testicles to produce testosterone, apparently!) My PSA dropped to 1.3, so on with normal life supposedly. Three months ago my PSA jumped to 3.9. I promptly made an appt with my urologist. Seeing him 2 months ago, being given another hormone retardant and being told that the average lifespan for me (I'm now 51) was 2 years and I had already used up some of that time.
A rough time after that until a friend who is battling with Breast cancer told me about PH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet, gave me a number for a person, Richard Adgo (an exceptional friend now) who does Nutritional Microscopy (live and dry blood analysis). A quick phone call, a 2 hour drive, a 1 hour flight, an evening and a morning with Richard the important decision made, to become a PH Miracle Man.
Now I have stopped all medications, transitioned, and did a 10 day cleanse that ended up being 14 days because I enjoyed it so much. I did all of this while still working fulltime, cooking Shelley's great alkaline meals, juicing, sprouting, and infrared sauna.
I FEEL GREAT!!!!! My PSA is now 1.9 and going down. I definitely know where I am going.
I NO LONGER HAVE PROSTATE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The battle has been won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is also the greatest weight loss plan that I have ever come across. I went from 100kgs to 78 kgs in under a month. Richard gave me a very important message - JUST GET ON WITH IT.
My wife is now into the 7th day of the pH Miracle Whole Body Cleanse. Her blood analysis is in 3 weeks.
The decision just has to be made and owned.
Onward and upward.
Dear Matanuku,
In early December during a routine physical my PSA (Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. The PSA test measures the level of PSA in the blood. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of the PSA test along with a digital rectal exam to help detect prostate cancer in men age 50 and older.) level was 6.8. Normal is 0-4. I had a biopsy done on February 24th and on March 10th I was told I had prostate cancer and my PSA was between 12 and 13.
I wanted to go eat and pig out and start a fast the next day, but I could tell that the mighty hand of God was intervening and we immediately went on a liquid green fast of a very powerful mix of greens called SuperGreens with Terra Cleanse Montmorillonite Clay. You mix one teaspoon of Greens and one teaspoon of clay into a liter of high quality water (Whole Foods Electron20Enhanced Water) with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and 5 drops of liquid Stevia with no alcohol. I also went on a liquid feast of soups and drinks recommended in Robert O. Young's book "PH Miracle" and Shelly Young's book "Back to the House of Health."
On April 3rd I had another PSA done and the results were 5.9. I am not where I want to be yet, but I will be by my birthday in July. I will have another PSA done on July 10th. I have started to eat raw vegetables and a few beans at the best restaraunt in the world "Sweet Tomatoes" (Austin has "Fresh Choice"). My fruits are lemons, limes and the magnificent, life-saving Avocado. I have not eaten animal flesh, flour, sugar, high sugar content fruit and dairy since March 9th and don't intend to for the rest of my life. I might have salmon or tuna after July 10th about twice a month and berries on my buckwheat once a week, but other that that I will be a 90-95 percent raw foodist for the rest of my life.
Bill McCracken
www.st arterkitbyjesus.com
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