The following is an extended Weight-Loss testimonial from Rick Laurenzi who followed The pH Miracle Diet and Lifestyle to lose up to 200 pounds of acidic fat.
..... I looked over my right shoulder and said "Your Dead Laurenzi, you bit the bullet!" A blur of metal was heading my way so close...there was only time for a thought. A car doing 55mph was about to make impact with motionless me, 55- 0 not good odds, 29 years of a perfect safety record on motorcycles broken in a blink. And what a blink it was, I heard the impact... car vs my flesh..MY FLESH. I bounced like a billiard ball straight up, it reminded me of the opening "The World According to Garp" , where this baby is floating through a crystal blue sky(that was me) feathers drifting lazily. My organic projectory took me up eye to eye with the traffic light 15 feet above the tarmac....gravity.....splat.......ouch. In the first ½ second I could tell my right arm was broken along with my pelvis, and I had never broken a bone before in my life, unable to move, more vehicles charging my way. Between my motorcycle and my body we totaled the Camry that ran the red unlicensed driver....I became a statistic. One minute I was able to climb Pikes Peak the next a motionless blob, a tire target in rush hour traffic lanes. Citizens of Colorado Springs caringly surrounded me....cared for me....cut my tie off so I could breath...I Thank You all!.
A few minutes later I arrived at my summer home...Memorial Hospital, I made a lot of new friends, I had to...I was there for 6 weeks...6 weeks in the hospital. Narrowly I escaped death...twice...the first by not getting killed by that car. The second time was after an body threw off a waterfall of clots...I was spiting up blood with a hard cough. Luckily a visiting massage therapist caught it while my doctor was in the room making his rounds, boy was I Lucky. In 10 minutes a sonogram...20 minutes 4 doctors surrounded me to deliver an ominous message. "Hey kid, 40% chance these clots will kill you by morning, 80% chance you'll be brain dead, we gotta stick a filter in you 3% chance we'll kill you sticking it in....what's your choice? I chose the 3% solution,I got filtered. I had to wait 2 hours for that filter operation to occur and I was visited by something rarely seen in my life...fear...real fear...of knowing your are totally out of control...that nothing you can do will help...and you are a pawn in a death cheating chess-game. Fear of the unknown, fear that the pendulum of death was swinging over my head with each heartbeat... pumping a clot closer to a critical blood vessel. That clot could kill me, or easier kill my brain, fear of being paralyzed, just fear. When that car was bearing down on me it was just a fraction of a second, a millisecond that I embraced my mortality. This time the wait...the contemplation...the fear was real...the fear was for hours. To help sooth my nerves a visitor, my good friend Jonathan Reilly put his hand on my chest and left it there. It was like a river of warmth poured in me whether it was the touch of another being or a conduit of hope, a blessing of survival again flickered as a possibility. I was so thankful to have this friend by my side.
Over 150 personal friends drifted in to the hospital during the summer, each helping bring my spirits up, each making me realized how blessed I was to have them in my life. I saw other patients in "Hospital Isolation" trying to heal with no well-wishers. Three orthopedic operations later I left with yard long blood clots in my legs, and in a wheelchair not to walk for another 6 months. My right arm was locked in 90 degree angle, from it being broken and the 6weeks in a cast, I mean locked. The Doc's said I may never be able to touch my face again ever in my mean brush my teeth, my hair with my left hand...what a mess that training turned out to be. Therapists would come in and warm up the arm for ½ hour then push as hard as I could take it, to stretch it out, for 5-10 minute intervals at a time. Nothing budged except for the pain meter , my arm was locked, this in itself was a crippling limitation, very awkward uncomfortably different.
Restrained to the first floor of my house, doorjambs were widened to accompany that wheelchair rolling through, I could never have imagined how much wider I was rolling to become. How do you get fed from a wheelchair??.. delivery food and the favors of friends. At my fingertips was a limited choice of delivery food, a local chinese restaurant and Domino's...that was it. When a meal errand could be run for me, it was always to the nearby string of fast food restaurants. Acidic food, vans full of it,wow that chinese white rice, acidic and high glycemic an instant bloat job. The typical burgers, chicken and fries arrived as if the fast food conveyor belt had no end. I was so happy to just be alive, I was so happy to be able to still have my brain intact...I ate.
The loneliness of being trapped in the house only made the emotional side worse, I love spending time with my friends, I needed company to stay sane. Well how do you invite company over when your strapped to a wheelchair, invite them over to have a meal with you.... "psst please bring one with you on your way over". The usual fare was something easy for them to get on the way over; coffee and muffins (acidic and high glycemic), burgers and fries (acidic and high glycemic), pizza's , or Hagen Daaz from the local 7-11 (ooh all that animal fat with sugar in the same container).
My whole life I was anti-pharmaceutical, meaning I used nutrition not drugs for any health issue, my brother was the opposite(he's dead at 52). Coming out of a 6 week hospital visit with clots a yard long in each leg the Doc's put me on a drug named Coumadin. I was gaining weight, really gaining weight, not healthy muscle weight but fat , rolls of fat. I looked up the side effects of Coumadin, yup rapid weight gain was on the list, I also noticed the base ingredient was warfarin...used as a rat poison at the hardware stores...rat poison was accelerating my obesity, I was becoming one fat rat. It took 6 months before I could walk again, 180 lonely days strapped in that chair felt like a prison. Each week that prison got tighter as my waistline expanded. I didn't care what I ate I was so "Happy to be Alive!"
Another issue was taking my immediate focus as my right arm was frozen in this stiff right angle - tendons,ligaments, muscles shortened and rigid from the accident. No way could I button my shirt, put on a tie or belt, shave with the strokes I'd been accustomed to. Brushing my teeth or eating with my left hand was a dribbling contest, how many napkins would I adorn before having a meal? Just trying to take a drink from a glass was a challenge, my shirt became a splattered catch basin, I started wearing tie dyes to hide the evidence .Those few restaurant appearances turned into comedy shows, "Yes salsa looks good on a blue shirt".
A calm day found me in a meditative spot when a voice made a comment to me in my mind, a lesson from the past. 20 years prior I had done yoga with a group 3x per week for a 5 years, a gentle comment from my teacher Kathy Kirk "The best way to stretch any muscle, tendon or ligament is by using very low pressure for a long period of time". But wait this was the opposite of what the hospital therapists had been doing for the past 4 months, they had been warming up the arm for a long time....then using a lot of pressure for a short time(ouch did that hurt...almost brought me to a tough guy to tears). The arm would never stretch out, each morning my right hand was folded like a crab claw taking 4-5 minutes to limber the fingers straight out. Not Cool, not cool at all.
Kathy's comment echoed in my head, the lesson from the ancients, use low pressure for a long time, hmmmm... From my neck to my wrist I tied a huge rubber-band, the kind you see in a fitness class, and in just three days a miracle happened -I TOUCHED MY NOSE. My arm opened up like stiff molasses but it opened up, easier and better every day. That simple lesson from the ancients served me well. In a few months more time you couldn't tell there had been an issue at all.
My focus return to my inability to walk, it's just in-fathomable to explain the difference from one day being able to bicycle 100 miles, the next you can't move your legs. The feelings were there for everything they just wouldn't move. It took 6 months of resistance exercise to stand, to do a set of stairs a small set without a spotter ( those spotters prayed I didn't fall on them....if I fell on them ...hey would've died..death by an Obesity rollover accident...). I know what it is like to move slow like a 100 year old person, real slow and careful, I did it for months. Gravity was biggest enemy as 6 months of acidic foods ballooned me from 190lbs to 300lbs, yes 300lbs. Moving like an uncoordinated sloth I got on my hands and knees to clean my house top to bottom. This movement helped flexibility and regaining muscle control.
There was a small debt I wanted to repay. During my 6 week hospital stay over a hundred friends visited and each left a bit of cheer, a gleam of sunlight lighting a gloomy scene,a motivation for my long recovery. I had a party for them, we couldn't omit the hospital staff. When you see your nurses, therapists and Doctors daily for 6 weeks, you get chummy they are all nice people, I was blessed by how many came to the recovery party 8 months after my release. Using the local artisans to bribe the party attenders the glass-blowers put together a door gift. A set of dolphins with gold tipped fins for the couple attending the party whose combined weight was closest to mine. That's right my weight vs any typical american couple, I became the legendary Big Rick, the Biggest Rick ever! That February night I tipped the scales at 301 ½, Justin Clare(195lbs not a lightweight category at all) and Tanya (a svelte 105 1/2lbs) took home the gold. Close to 300 people came to see the 300 pound man, they liked me fat or skinny, well everyone except girls to potentially have a date with. They liked me as a friend.... a distant friend. A weightlifting buddy urged me to start exercising the fat off, he was sitting on a bench downtown Manitou, I walked by, my girth blocked the sun, he complained.
I started to hike aggressively when something called leg-ulcers started growing from my legs. Those yard long clots restricted the flow through the veins so much, fluids came out the sides of my legs, leg ulcers, something common for 80 year old diabetics not me. Running was impossible, I tried fasting a bit and watched the fat come back almost as quickly as it came off, not the answer. The I got the call, a call from a cousin back east, my 90 year old mom went into the hospital for a few days. Her hospital visit wasn't of any concern but the report of her household conditions wasn't good. My mom just got to old to take care of herself, vacuuming which was effortless in the past just wasn't getting done. The list of chores to do grew higher than the lottery. Flying back east to see the situation firsthand the airline seat was tighter than a vise grip, my legs had the fabric weave of seats pressure squished into them. The situation witnessed at the family home showed help was needed, someone had to live with my mom for every day to day activity. My brother lived 20 miles away, he had leukemia and was useless to help our mom even with 3 teenage kids. I was living 2000 miles away and decided to make the sacrifice. Returning to Colorado my small software reselling business was closed, I leased out my hose and headed for New York. Some people love crowded regions to live in, not me...I was so thankful I made the decision to move to Colorado the week out of college decades earlier.
Attached by an imaginary umbilical cord to my mother for 130 hours per week was a psychological stress I was unused to. Combine that with the noise, the confinement, no friends to hang with, the food factor was amplified. The one cultural fact that differentiated Long Island from the Pikes Peak region of Colorado was, Colorado had mostly tasteless chain Pizza restaurants and Long Island has an endless stream of family owned custom pizza shops every mile in every direction. Every shop specialized in a different theme, thin crust, sicilian, cheeses I can't pronounce, flavors I can't forget, aroma's that started me drooling from the parking lots, anticipation of the next culinary treat. The stress of being my mothers nurse had me visiting the Golden Arches so much I knew their drive up employees by name. When where those dollar specials??? I timed my day around them. Any chance at healthy nutrition was taking a back seat to my current stress level and for some reason, somewhere back I was conditioned to eat my way out of stress. A full stomach of comfortable food somehow made me feel secure for a few minutes, that full stomach made me feel loved, and when that tummy was full of Haagen-Daaz it would put me to sleep from my insulin spiking, I could sleep and forget the stress for a flicker. A year of this lifestyle later my mom passed, I returned to the clean air of Colorado for a few weeks when another phone call came.
My brother only living relative......I was really alone......I had no immediate family left........another about face in my life. I returned to New York for a second year of stress to deal with the entire family's belongings and wishes. We first moved into that modest idealic ¼ acre Greenlawn ranch house in 1959. For 44 years every time I was in that house there was a family member, an event, my dad would play music. After my brothers death there was a deafening still silence, a cold that didn't come from the air temperature, a cold that came from darker places.....a lack of life. This house was lived in for decades, this house felt dead, spooky. I was never more alone in my adult life, no family, my squadrons of peers 2000 miles west in Colorado, my few remaining childhood friends busy with work, I was alone, an unhealthy alone.
My snuggie emotional comforter was Jimmy's Pizza, Vanilla Haagen-Daaz, Big Macs, Whoppers, Bloomin Onions, Original Recipe chicken. Didn't care about my health as getting through each day of isolation, each day closer to Colorado was my saving grace. Fishing took up a good bit of my time those last few months, Captain Greg called me "ballast", his boat couldn't plane if I sat in the wrong spot. Courageously I stepped onto a scale, it went up to 350lbs, ashamedly it pegged like a 4th of July bottle rocket. That needle was nowhere near settling at 350lbs, we could only guess my weight , BS, Beyond Scale, maybe 370lbs maybe more. I was never to fat to fish...but I couldn't stand....Captain Greg provided a chair to use on the Seaquest . The more I fished, the more fish I ate, the more I looked like a beached whale. I got fatter eating fish??? How could I possibly get any fatter. I expected to wake up with Dick Gregory cutting a hole in the house to get me out. It took a twisting sideways facing dog yoga position for me to just get into my car....I could barely squeeze behind the wheel. Putting on socks became a contortionist activity...putting on socks! I only took showers, I was so fat if I got in a tub, there may have been no way to get out....suction and gravity combined overcame my post accident strength.... "Help I've taken a bath and I can't get up!" The first bath attempt found me bringing the phone next to the tub...left the front door open and warned a friend. He may have to help dead-lift me out of the tub, bring your own talk about being embarrassed. I had strapped on over 180 pounds of acids around my body over the last few years...180 pounds. It was like I was a 190 pound man with a 180 pound man strapped to my back.
Movement was turtle like...slow... plodding with great effort, I sat a lot. Walking through the house took so much energy. I would plot like a chess-player the shortest route to take. To grab this cup, that newspaper, the phone, a meal... then find the next landing spot. Fat on my back molded like a square to the shape of the chairs it was parked in....for months. Another serious problem came up ....apnea. It started in New York at sea level, driving back to Manitou Springs where my house is at 6400' elevation we simply have 10% less air pressure to get the oxygen in your blood. Cars have less power up herein the mountains and my behemoth of a belly, my fungus/yeast clogged blood sucked even more energy from my day. Apnea...I couldn't sleep, every time I'd nod off my breathing passageways got clogged...I stopped breathing....hundreds of times a night. Many times longer than 30 seconds the air would cease....until your woken by a violent shake that starts you breathing again. This would happen 100's of times a night...each time your body was in an oxygen deficit, that alone makes your blood more acidic...each time you would wake up in a fog. A lack of oxygen start your day fuzzy and tired from lack of sleep....then all day you try to catch make it to the next hour. I had to sleep upright in a the Elephant Man...the only way to get a few moments of sleep at a time before the apnea would rock my dreams and sputter me awake. What a torture, I felt like a prisoner...kept awake for days, always in a fog, never a clear mind. This kept going on, for many, many months. I truly thought I was going to die from lack of sleep...long term sleep depravation was the final challenge my habits threw at me.
True change comes when you have a choice, a choice of walking through two doors. Which door is less painful to walk through...the first door of continuing those familiar current habits and suffering the painful health consequences alongside. The second door has you changing to healthy habits, and going through the pain of change. But the pain of change is just psychological, changing of habits, we're creatures of habits, this is just a mental challenge not a physical one. I was moving a box I brought from the east, it had some family paperwork on the top. The first document in the pile was my brother's death certificate. He was dead at 52.....I was 52..... I didn't want to join him, I really didn't.
I sat down for a long time just asking what was I doing with my life, why was I eating an unending stream of junk food, quick emotional food, what was my life like. I use to run up Pikes doing a set of stairs in my home put pain in my knees...a little set of stairs...oh brother. A buddy accompanied me on a hike...a mile took almost 90 minutes for a mile. Every 100 yards I'd have to sit...there was no choice. No more hiking with friends (they got tired of waiting), relationships a distant memory. I couldn't fit into a restaurant booth, I'd have to wait for a table with a large chair. My face would flush tomato red when time after time I would stand up after a meal...with the restaurants chair stuck to my ass. No more cross country skiing, no more camping, do I really have to describe what a bicycle seat looks like wedged up a 370lb backside. Well can't see the seat...its are the bike tires. I was 60 pounds heavier than Shaquille O'Neal and 14 inches shorter. The ball wasn't in my court...I was the ball, the big ball. My life was a fraction of what it was a few years prior, these revelations came all echoing together. I had to change, change in a big way..or die...die at an early age like my brother...simple as that.
"Screw the genetics curse, I want to Live" my soul roared, I had to change. What made my behemoth state all the more embarrassing, all the more flaw revealing was that I was a student of holistic health. A great student of holistic health methods for over 30 years, that awakening day I could barely fit my entire silhouette in a hallway mirror. My t-shirt size blimped out to 5X....(with stretch marks)you gotta buy them off the net. I knew what it took to get healthy, I'm even a member of Mensa, I realized what had happened and couldn't stop it. "I can save the world of many problems but I can't save myself from myself", was the revelation of the day...I needed a coach. My holistic education started in 1970, alongside my first season of weightlifting at school. An Austrian Oak had recently landed in the US to shake the bodybuilding world. All weightlifters listened to the champ. One day in horrible broken English (....still today....) Arnold preaches out " Half of your athletic gains are from your workout...half from your diet!" . Hmmmmmmmmmmm ...revelation 1970 smarter....workout less....still be a stud muffin! That comment was like showing an autistic child a pathway, a pathway of knowledge that had only one goal....what did it take to be the best possible athlete...what did it take to be super healthy. I studied nutrition from every angle...yet here I was...twice (yes twice) my optimal size, with all the behavior of a nutritional neophyte. Kitchen skills never existed on my resume, just had no interest (still don't) in preparing food, love to eat it, guide how it's made, what's used. Do not...I REPEAT do not put a knife in my hands....many band aids will follow! (And the vegetables will look mutilated).
"I Ate my way into this problem....I gotta eat my out!" , the latest of Ricky's Revelations to decibel it's way into my memory bank, the first track to change this train-wreck from happening. Another "lesson from the ancients" was pointing to the best path. The first page of the Bible, (Genesis 1:29) guides us, to better health, the value of plants seeds and nuts are strongly the Bible! In the 1970's I was introduced to Ann Wigemore's work, a cancer survivor, a raw foodist, she started the Hippocrates Institute. I knew the value of going raw, I had a water alkalizer, even a case of pH paper to check myself. I'd check myself a lot, try to do a lot of things but could never get myself alkaline. That was the day I got a copy of "The pH Miracle and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss" by Dr. Robert O Young and Shelley Redford Young (I highly recommend you keep a copy in your library) modern day coaches had arrived. I learned where my weaknesses are that stopped me from alkalizing (one acidic muffin a day is a no-no), what huge gaps I had. For 53 years I prided myself for never using salt, for being a long-term athlete and no salt. My coach showed how wrong I was and why. I added alkaline sea salts, salt to my program, upped my oils to a quart a week. I read and re-read each chapter till I really understood what to do.
I made the commitment to the most alkalizing energizing food source, the healthiest food possible for my body, I wanted to be a "pH Miracle Man!". The Young's books put together my metabolic "missing link", and was simply the best...most complete book I had read on how to put my health back together one meal at a time. Problem was
there was no commercial food source in town that had prepared meal foods like this. Not Whole Foods, Safeway, Wild Oats, even the local health food stores miss the boat. I'm talking about alkaline, electron rich, low glycemic (low sugar) food, delicious food, satisfying food, not just chomping on the bush. This food had to be made not bought. My search for a raw food chef was the next mini-hurdle to overcome, to provide a pure source of the Rocket Fuel my body so healingly desired. Every Spring we get visitors in Colorado, hummingbirds that flicker in, arriving with mesmerizing colors and sounds They reflect an elegant bright promise of the summer to come, another elegant bright promise arrived....Martine...Chef Martine. With the Young's book used as a Rosetta Stone, Martine's creativity and talent showered my with a waterfall of alkaline meals. Meals with energy, with tons of electrons, fun meals, truck driver hearty, fill my tummy meals, blood building meals, it worked on my insatiable hunger. I was eating my way out of this problem!
Meal by meal Martine treated me to an alkaline cuisine that I cherished...drooled for....couldn't believe the flavors...just so satisfying. I never counted calories and never felt hungry. I was alkalizing and feeding my blood. The best part, the very best part is if you eat 100% alkaline foods for a day you can eat 2500....3000....3500.. calories of alkaline food and still lose acid bound fat! You can over-eat your daily caloric requirement in alkaline foods and melt acidic fat...fact not fiction....I lived it. Every week I'd lose 1-2 pounds, pounds that were glued on for the last 5 years, pounds that wouldn't budge before. I started melting in place, as serious exercise was not part of the plan, at least not yet. I mean I walked...(Ha Ha) oh yeah I walked, in the first 3 months I walked 3 miles. Yes one mile per month(and lost 25 pounds). I saw a "The Biggest Loser" episode. I thought if 1000 morbidly obese people (like me), average citizens exercised like the Biggest Losers did there would be problems, lots of problems. Knee problems, back problems, cardio problems, I ate alkaline and sat problemo! Ok, Ok, the next three months I hiked 15 miles....5 miles per month, and lost another 25 pounds. For five years I had tried to lose weight, with only dropping 1-5 pounds then watch it rebound right back time and time again. For five years I had no sign I would ever recover...yet here, the pH Miracle way I was shedding the weight effortlessly.
The most impressive thing that astonished me was how easy it was to make the transition from 14 junk food meals a week, to a living alkaline diet. There was no adjustment period, the food tastes great, its filling, your energy levels are so even, your memory will astonish everyone, your mind quick . The change was so impressive I started taking pictures to document the progress. Soon it was 60, 80, 100 pounds, every ten pounds I melted was like a spiritual awakening, more emotional and sensitive than I ever felt before. I was finally on the highway to my goal, I was moving in the right direction, and most importantly I was making sustainable healthy progress. This wasn't a fad program like Atkins, Nutri System or South Beach Diets, this was super nutrition for humans. I fed my blood the foods the blood wanted, and the blood fed the rest of my body. By getting healthier I was losing weight, this wasn't just a weight loss motivated change it was a health motivated change.
The pH Miracle and Dr. Robert and Shelley Young were the perfect coaching team, sharing a timeless message that your body wants lots of alkaline water, alkaline sea salts, chlorophyll from green plants, and oils...lots of oils (I do a quart a week!). I e-mailed Dr. Young with a question (he answered), then I called him and set up a visit. I was lucky, very lucky to be able to drive across the country and have my blood checked by the world's best microscopist, Dr. Robert O Young. Even after dropping 150 pounds (with virtually no exercise) my blood was still dirty...with too much protein from eating pounds of seeds and nuts per week, even with my total commitment I still had work to do. While I was at the pH Miracle center I had pages of questions to ask Dr. Young...he patiently answered them. Shelley Young was kind enough to make me a green drink and a man-wich wrap.
Back to Colorado for another year I refined my diet, I wanted to be better I wanted the best health. Tweaking lots of little things added no cashews (too much bacteria), less stevia (too acidic), no soy sauce (helps candida yeast grow), use green drinks more (higher absorption of nutrients). Let me repeat---------------I had lost 150 pounds with virtually no exercise-----------. Ninety percent of the public never has a regular exercise program, alkalizing consistently with every meal. With every drink you take, you can melt off acidic fat and not exercise ....I did can you. You can lose weight day after day eating lots, never counting calories, never feeling hungry, when you have a 100% alkaline day! I lived that fact for oooonnnne hhhhhhhuuuuuunnnnddddreeeedddd aaaaannnndddd fffffiiiiiffffffttttttyyy POUNDS. Thats a lot.
Ok, Ok after melting the first 150 pounds, that's right one hundred and fifty....thats five zero....pounds. After that first buck and a half I started to exercise, slowly then gaining steam, not to lose weight, no but to get even healthier. Why? I learned you can get to a good level of health, a very good level of health eating and drinking the best possible alkaline foods and liquids. To achieve the very best health...optimal settling for less, you have to move the lymph fluids, to flush out all of those stationary acids. To sweat, to release the acids that might settle in your skin...the third kidney.
Now I was down 180 pounds...I had lost 180 pounds...180 pounds......YOWZA! I was getting my life so back together, not an obese statistic anymore. Well I did what any sane person would do....I called Dr. Young, and bugged him for another visit...westward I was. This time my question list was sorter and we could both see a real improvement over the shape and health of the red blood cells from a year prior. The microscopy pictures side by side showed, no proved the difference in health of the blood, the difference in my overall health. My goal is to lose another 20 pounds this coming summer so I can achieve the 200 pound weight loss mark.
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young ...Thank You for being my timeless coaches, for helping me improve myself, and for showing millions of people the only route to optimal health and the alkaline path.
I hope you enjoyed the above pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet testimony and found it interesting and helpful.
I believe it shows the power of what is possible when you properly alkalize, exercise and energize your body with the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Dietary Plan.
If I might make a suggestion? Come on down to the Rancho del Sol and attend one of our life changing and life saving Retreats or Microscopy Courses. We are also offering Retreats and Microscopy Courses around the world.
Our next Retreat at the Rancho del Sol is on June 4th through the 6th. To sign-up go to:
Our next European Retreat is in London, England at the London Hilton on June 13th and 14th. To sign-up go to:
Our next European Microscopy course is in London, England at the London Hilton on June 15th through June 19th. To sign-up go to:
Our next US Retreat is in New York City, New York on June 27th and 28th. To sign-up go to:
Our next Microscopy course will be held at the Rancho del Sol in Valley Center, California on July 6ththrough July 31st.
This 4 week course includes the works - The Basic, Masters and Advance Microscopy courses and the 7-day Internship. In four weeks you will have completed all requirements for becoming a Certified Microscopist and a pH Miracle Living Coach. To enroll, call Dr. Robert O. Young at: 760-7-8321. Please send CV and/or resume to: The pH Miracle Living Center, 16390 Dia Del Sol, Valley Center, California, 92082, for qualification.
Let's see what we can do together to help you learn the life changing and life saving protocols on how to prevent and/or reverse All sickness and dis-ease.
The current medical treatment of a cancerous condition (Breast or Prostate) using a hormonal approach is like putting a Band-Aid on an open wound. Hormones are toxic acidic waste products from glandular metabolism and an indication that the gland is functioning or working to a lesser or greater degree. Much like the carbon monoxide exhaust from a car is the acidic waste product of the engines metabolism and an indication that the car is running to a lesser or greater degree. Lowering a hormone is not the solution in preventing or reversing a cancerous condition. Just like adding carbon monoxide back into the engine of a car will not increase performance. The solution to preventing and/or reversing a cancerous condition is to improve the elimination of dietary and/or metabolic acids through the four channels of elimination. These four channels of acid elimination include urination, perspiration, defecation and respiration. The key then to preventing and/or reversing a cancerous condition is to reduce dietary and/or metabolic acidity and improve elimination of these acidic toxins - not increase acidity with acidic toxic hormone injections.
I hope you will consider coming to one of our next Retreats or Microscopy Courses in your area. Future Retreats are planned in Vancouver, Canada, Sidney, Australia, Beijing, China, and Moscow, Russia. The pH Miracle Living Retreats and Microscopy courses are guaranteed to change your life forever.
In light and love,
Dr. Robert O. Young
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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in
opposition to what we know of nature.' St.
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as
though there are no miracles. The other is as
though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein
pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
© Copyright 2008 - Dr. Robert O. Young
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