The Top Five Lessons From Seeing Dr. Young Live In London, England

Posted by thomenda7xx on Friday, July 3, 2009

The Top Five Lessons from Seeing Dr Young Live

by Ross on June 17, 2009

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Hey everyone

Just about back down to earth following our Dr Young Live weekend, and I have to say - it was fantastic. Dr Young was an absolute pleasure and I thought his content each day was just amazing.

dr young live on stage

Even though I have been in this field for over six years now I still learned heaps, and lets be honest - there is nothing more motivating than to have the core principles repeated to you by Dr Young himself!

So for those of you who were not able to be there, here are my top five take outs:

Ross’s Top Five Lessons from Dr Young

  • You Don’t Have to be Perfect!

    This is something that has been dawning on me for a while now, but seeing and hanging around Dr Young all weekend has made that clear to me. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT! Dr Young in his interview (video coming very soon) states how if it is the choice between eating a banana or eating a processed snack he’ll take the banana every time. On stage he talked about having blueberries as a treat, and using stevia in certain recipes. He also talked about the 80/20 rule, transitioning, and basically making the right choices more often than not.

    I find that this approach to health is hardest and you slip up the most when you’re hungry - so rather than trying to be perfect all of the time, relax and give yourself some space. I always try to aim for the best possible in the situation I am in, but even then I still treat myself every now and then - and Dr Young made it clear that he does too!

    Put it this way - it is better to be 80% 100% of the time rather than 100% for two days and then quit.

    When you think of it from this perspective, it suddenly becomes a whole lot less daunting!


    The Energise 12 Week Alkaline Diet Course

  • Setting Up!

  • Getting Started Is Easier Than You Think!

    It really is! You can just start now. Go on! Don’t put it off. Make a commitment now. Make a decision to eat something alkaline or cut something out. Make a commitment to giving yourself proper nutrition, getting your greens and hydrating properly!

    This is highly linked to the point above about not trying to be perfect all of the time - when you first start out you can take it at a pace that is comfortable for you. While I always advocate a cleanse to kick things off, this is not 100% vital - you don’t have to put it off until you can find the time to do a cleanse.

    Leo Babauta writes about ‘The Power Of Less’ and his big point about making habits stick is to make it easy to win for the first thirty days. Make a commitment to do something simple, straightforward but powerful now and for the next thirty days. For instance you could commit to drinking 4 litres of greens every day, or having a green juice every morning, or cutting out sugar for thirty days.

    Then you can build on your success, bit by bit. This is what our 12 week course guides you through, tackling it meal by meal and transition by transition and that is why it is getting such great results.

    Dr Young talked about transitioning and how making a few fundamental changes can make a massive difference (like getting your greens every day, hydrating properly, getting enough healthy oils, cutting out sugar, chocolate or coffee etc). Each of these fundamentals will get you on the right track and give you the positive reinforcement you need to keep going in the right direction!

    Resource: Dr Young’s Alkaline Nutrition Pack
    The Energise Alkaline Quick Start Guide

  • Alkaline Aerobic Exercise Is So Easy to Stick To!

    One of my favourite parts of the weekend was seeing Dr Young up there bouncing around on an Energise Rebounder!

    Dr Young on Rebounder

    As he pointed out, rebounding is an incredible effective and efficient form of exercise, giving you a whole body workout, pumping your lymph and helping to significantly detoxify your body.

    It is so efficient in fact that you can simply hop right on, with no getting changed, driving to the gym, showering after etc. and exercise for just 15 minutes twice per day.

    If you can commit to just this I promise you that you will notice a huge difference in your energy and vitality.

    So related to the above point about it being easy to get started, if you can have this as your baseline exercise each day you will be doing really well!


    Blog Post on Rebounding

    Energise Rebounder
    YouTube Video on Rebounding

  • The Importance of Salt!

    I have been learning more and more about alkaline salts of late, but this weekend really did it for me. There is no way I can go without getting enough healthy, alkaline salts every day. Hearing Dr Young talk about the importance, and the power of salt was extremely motivating and he made everything a lot clearer for me.

    From reading and researching Dr Young’s works and from listening to him talk about salt at the weekend - here are my favourite and most important salt facts that he has written:

    • In the same way that we have to replace lost fluids in our body by drinking enough water, we must do the same with salt. According to Dr Young “Our bodies contain almost 450gms of salt and each day we need to replenish the salt used by our bodies to maintain our normal health, vigor and alkaline design“.
    • Our body has a very limited alkaline buffer to neutralise the acids we create and consume each day, when this buffer is depleted it wreaks havoc in the body as the body MUST retain blood and other cells at a pH of 7.365 - “Salt is necessary for making the sodium bicarbonate the body needs to alkalise the food we eat to maintaining the alkalinity of the blood and lymph fluids.”
    • Salt creates energy! It is so important to our body in terms of digesting food and turning this food into living tissues. Dr Young states: “When you are tired and/or fatigued and need energy that is the need for salt. All sugar cravings are the need for salt.” - try it! Next time you are craving sugar, have a spray of pHlavour or a serve of pHour Salts (or a glass of water and Baking Soda if you don’t have these products to hand).
    • Consuming alkaline salts makes you look great! It gets rid of cellulite! For every gram of sodium chloride that your body cannot get rid of, your body uses twenty-three times the amount of cell water to neutralize the salt. So when you eating common table salt you get excess fluid in your body tissue - a direct contributor to cellulite and appearing overweight!
    • Salt also helps to replenish your skin and can be used in your bath to help get rid of skin conditions, yeast infections and more!

According to Dr Young Salt also:

  • Regulates the water content in your body
  • Balances excess acidity in the body
  • Acts as a natural antihistamine
  • Balances blood sugar levels
  • Clears mucus and phlegm
  • Maintains your libido
  • Prevents varicose veins

It is seriously worth getting into salt!


Dr Young’s Article on Salt
pHour Salts
pHlavour Salts

  • The Power of Clay!

    Similarly to salt, I learned a LOT about clay this weekend. Again, I obviously knew that clay was good, but I didn’t know it was this good. Clay is a great detoxifier. It contains a high level of alkaline minerals that are at a colloidal level, and the particles of Dr Young’s Montmorillonite Clay carry a negative electrical charge whereas acids, impurities or toxins carry a positive electrical charge, so these acidic toxins bind to it’s outside surface. The body can then carry these toxins away safely and give you an alkalised and energised boost.

    But this is not all! From the notes I took at the weekend and Dr Young’s writings, I have learned that using clay as a detoxifier can also lead to:

    • No more acne, clean, clear and soft skin
    • No more dandruff
    • Less aches, pains and strains
    • Hydrated, nourished skin
    • No more yeast and fungus infections
    • Disappearing wrinkles
  • Dr Young actually puts it much more clearly than me:

    Smectite montmorillonite clay has the ability to neutralize acids from diet and metabolism which protects the
    body from cells transforming into bacteria, yeast or mold. The beautiful thing about clay is that it can adsorb and then absorb toxins or acids 100 times it own mass…

    …This clay provides an impressive assortment of alkalizing minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, and silica. Furthermore, these minerals in clay exist in natural proportion to one another, so they are more easily and thoroughly absorbed by the body. The minerals in this clay are also highly negatively charged - full of electrons that absorb, adsorb, and eliminate many positively charged toxins in the body. In fact, this clay can absorb and adsorb many times it weight in acids, holding them until your body can safely eliminate them. Terra Cleanse is truly the earths natural acid absorber/adsorber and can be used to neutralize over acidity internally (digestive tract) as well as externally (skin).


    Dr Young’s article on clay
    Dr Young’s Terra pHirma Clay Product

    My Final Thoughts on the Event and Dr Young

    The Energise Team!
    There was actually nothing more motivating than just hanging out with Dr Young this weekend. Not because I spoke to him about health or alkalising (it was fun not to talk shop) but just to see his energy, see how fit and healthy he is and just HOW YOUNG HE LOOKS!

    You would seriously not be able to guess that Dr Young is nearly 60. His skin is absolutely flawless. And did you see him on the rebounder? The exercises he was doing and his ability to keep on delivering a presentation while doing them frankly put me to shame, and I am exactly half his age.

    I also met up with him as soon as he arrived in London, just after a 14 hour flight he went straight to the gym for a 8 mile run and straight into an interview with me - and he was spritely, energetic and enthusiastic.

    I am absolutely convinced that if you want to live a life of energy, vitality, strength, youthfulness and great health then the alkaline diet is 100% the way to go.

    I hope you’ll agree - this simple, easy to understand approach to health is a real breakthrough and gives us all the tools we need to live to our potential.

    Let me know your thoughts below!


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