Once again.. medical (pharmaceutical) research concentrates on the wrong thing.....

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The appended article is "classic"... AND.... interesting at the same time. First, it is a "classic" example of modern medical "science" concentrating on relieving "symptoms" instead of treating the underlying causes of dis-ease symptom sets.

Second, the article gives us a further clue as to why / how foreign cholesterol and animal proteins may be behind both the current obesity AND diabetic epidemics...that is, an excessive immune response to foreign animal proteins!

The live and dried blood of people who eat beef contains "beef antibodies". I ask you, "Why would you want your blood to have antibodies to the foreign proteins of beef?" Or pork, or chicken, Or fish?

The appended article indicates that Mast Cells are far more abundant in the stored "fat" of obese and diabetic humans and mice, than they are in the fat tissue of individuals of normal weight. This accumulation of Mast Cells suggests that both obesity and diabetes are acidic conditions that activates an autoimmune "symptom sets" directly resulting from high level, long term, and continuous insult, and resulting immune stimulus, from foreign toxic animal proteins? This continuous foreign toxic animal protein insult would also tend to overstimulate and deplete the immune system, causing it to become less able to deal with other insults to the body, which could then result in a whole host of dis-eases, disproportionately effecting patients already experiencing diabetes and obesity. It would be a vicious cycle, spiraling into a complete collapse of the immune system from excessive, long term immune system over-stimulation and the resulting acidic tissue inflammation.

The appended article states, "...diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the pancreas, destroying its ability to produce insulin." (emphasis added). The key word is "attacks"... as in "causes" inflammation. The progress of dis-ease would be the same in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. In both, the tissues are first inflamed and then rendered unable to function normally. This supports my discovery that, with proper diet, Type 1 diabetics CAN regrow and/or restore function to, Langerhans Islet Cells in the pancreas, previously thought impossible. If you withdraw the foreign toxic animal proteins and the resulting excessive, cumulative immune responses to those proteins, function will be restored to a wide range of cells and tissues, which have become inflamed or over-acidic and incapable of functioning normally in the presence of excess antibodies and mast cells.

The missed opportunity in this article is contained in the question raised by the article: " ...by regulating mast cells, could we then control the obesity and diabetic symptoms?" The answer is "yes", but rather than employing acidic anti-inflammatory agents, why not simply reduce the level of mast cells by removing the underlying cause of the excessive number of mast cells through an alkalizing lifestyle and diet? The correct response would be to......stop eating the foreign toxic animal protein, which is causing excess tissue acidity and then the activation of the immune response in the first place!?

Just another good reason to give up toxic acidic animal proteins and replace them with plant proteins that do not cause excess acidity and the activation of the immune system.

My recommendation for non-toxic plant protein would be hemp protein. To learn more about the benefits of hemp protein go to:


-------------Appended Article---------------------

Medical Breakthroughsl LOGO.gif

Allergy Drugs Fight Obesity and Diabetes in Mice

(Ivanhoe Newswire) — Crack open the latest medical textbook to the chapter on type 2 diabetes and you'll be hard pressed to find the term "immunology" anywhere. Metabolic conditions and immunologic conditions are, with a few exceptions, thought to be distant cousins. Recent studies, however, two of which are from Harvard Medical School researchers, have linked type 2 diabetes with immunology in a way that might persuade researchers to start viewing them as siblings.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes both involve abnormalities in the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas, but their root causes are completely different. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the pancreas, destroying its ability to produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a strictly metabolic condition in which cells grow increasingly deaf to insulin signals and thus lose their ability to metabolize glucose. In both cases, blood glucose levels rise, sometimes to fatal levels.

Researchers used two common over-the-counter allergy medications to reduce both obesity and type 2 diabetes in mice. The medications, called Zaditor and cromolyn, stabilize a population of inflammatory immune cells called mast cells.

The Harvard researchers assert that it is becoming increasingly clear that we should also think of type 2 diabetes in the context of immune function.

Guo-Ping Shi, biochemist from the Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, began to suspect such a connection when, in a previous study, he found mast cells present in a variety of inflammatory vascular diseases.

Mast cells are immune cells that facilitate healing in wounded tissue by increasing blood flow to the site. In certain conditions, however, mast cells build up to levels far beyond what the body needs. When this happens, these cells become unstable and eventually, like punctured trash bags, leak molecular "garbage" into the tissue. This results in chronic inflammation that can cause asthma and certain allergies.

As Shi and postdoctoral research fellow Jian Liu discovered, mast cells were far more abundant in fat tissue of obese and diabetic humans and mice than they were in fat tissue from individuals of normal weight. This led to the obvious question, by regulating mast cells, could we then control the obesity and diabetic symptoms?

To find out, Shi and colleagues took a group of obese and diabetic mice and, for a period of two months, treated them with either Zaditor or cromolyn.

The mice were divided into four groups. The first was the control group. The second group was simply switched to a healthy diet. The third was given cromolyn or Zaditor. And the fourth group was given the drug and switched to a healthy diet.

While symptoms of the second “healthy diet” group improved moderately, the third “allergy medicine” group demonstrated dramatic improvements in both body weight and diabetes. The fourth group exhibited nearly 100 percent recovery in all areas.

To bolster these findings, Shi and colleagues then took a group of mice whose ability to produce mast cells was genetically impaired. Despite three months of a diet rich in sugar and fat, these mice neither became obese nor developed diabetes. "The best thing about these drugs is that we know it's safe for people," said Shi. "The remaining question now is: Will this also work for people?" Shi now intends to test both cromolyn and Zaditor on obese and diabetic non-human primates.

SOURCE: Nature Medicine, July 26, 2009

Reference: http://www.ivanhoe.com/channels/p_channelstory.cfm?storyid=21970

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