What To Do When You Cannot Afford Health Insurance

Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, February 28, 2009

First let’s state unequivocally, “Yes, Virginia… except for some surgical requirements, e.g., hernias, or broken bones, etc., YOU CAN BE HEALTHY WITHOUT having medical insurance, or even without being able to afford to see a doctor.”

I want to say. “ALL dis-ease symptoms are caused by systemic acidic imbalances in the body”, BUT I try not to use the words “Never”, “Ever”, or “All”. As sure as I do, there will be some “exception”, which, while rare, will catch me up. I will say that the extreme “majority” of sickness and dis-ease conditions do not and cannot exist in a properly alkalinized human body. Over acidic conditions from lifestyle and dietary choice cause the symptoms, which we define as “dis-ease” states.
You will note that I hyphenate the word “disease” as “dis-ease”, because I cannot bring myself to acknowledge that “diseases” even exist. There are, in fact, “symptom syndromes”, or collections of symptoms, which when identified, are given “names” in the medical lexicon. Once a “name” is given to a Symptom Syndrome, then it gets diagnosed, and pharmaceutical companies set about to produce drugs to ameliorate the symptoms. None of these drugs addresses the underlying cause of the dis-ease symptoms.

For example, there is NO disease “out there” such as Diabetes, just waiting for us to catch it. Diabetes is a Symptom Syndrome, which is caused by systemic over acidic conditions in the body resulting from our bad lifestyle and dietary choices.

So, what do you do when you want / NEED to be healthy without the intervention of the medical / pharmaceutical complex? What can you do when you can’t afford health of dis-ease insurance?

FIRST – Begin to ‘GREEN UP YOUR DIET”!! Begin to eat more salad greens, broccoli, green beans, celery, cucumber, spinach, avocados, asparagus, etc., Get the picture… GREEN FOODS! Lots of them!

SECOND – Get the high “acid ash” foods completely out of your diet. NEVER EAT THEM! Examples are ALL carbonated beverages, ALL sugars and ALL high carbohydrate foods, especially particularly sweet fruits.

THIRD - Get ALL animal proteins out of your diet! This will be a hard point for many of you. I had a client who told he went through his pantry and got rid of everything that had “animal protein” in it, and he said, “I didn’t have ANYTHING LEFT TO EAT!!” You may have a similar experience. It is truly culture shock to realize how many products you daily rely upon, cannot be eaten by anyone who wants to avoid the doctor, and who wants to be healthy.

FOURTH – Get ALL animal, processed and trans fats and ALL Saturated Fats out of your diet. Eat only monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Hemp Oil, etc., and eat A LOT of them. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, from GREEN fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts should be a primary source of electron rich and electrically active food and drink in your diet.

FIFTH – Drink LOTS OF ALKLAIME WATER!! Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. Drink ONLY pure, filtered alkaline water. If the water in your area does not have a pH of at least 8.0 or higher, you will need to pH correct the water. You can purchase alkaline drops to add to your local filtered water. It would be wonderful if you can obtain a structured water machine, which will not only properly alkalize your water, and filter it, but will also correct it to the proper ORP (Oxidative Reduction Potential), which should ideally be in the -150 mV or greater range. If you can’t afford a machine to correct the ORP level of your filtered water, DO NOT let that keep you from doing the things you can do. Get a water filter, and filter your water. Get some alkaline drops and correct the water pH to at finished pH of 9 or 10. DRINK 1 liter of pure, filtered, alkaline adjusted water for each 50 lbs. of body weight. The degree to which you think this is a lot of water, is an indicator of how much trouble your body and health are in… water….adequate hydration is THE most critical thing you can do to improve your health. Your body should be over 70% water, and CANNOT function and be healthy without proper alkaline hydration.


SIXTH – Get out in the fresh air, and BREATHE. Oxygen is critical for health. Breathing deeply not only helps to maintain proper alkaline / acid relationships in the body, but also is critical for virtually every metabolic process in every tissue of the body. Don’t count on your natural breathing, reflex to get all the oxygen you need. Do at least 15 mins. of deep breathing exercises every day. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose… hold it for a count of two, and exhale slowly through your nose. Count to two, and repeat. Do this for at least 15 mins. EVERY DAY! In addition, try to get in 4 or 5 such deep breaths as often during the day as you think about it. BREATHE!!

SEVENTH – Get some alkalizing “SALT” in your diet. I don’t mean refined table salt. Start with a good sea salt. Our blood closely resembles the saline content of the oceans. YOU NEED SALT! The definition of “salt” gets a bit complicated. “Salts”, at their simplest structure, are metals which are connected by single bonds only and do not have Hydrogen atoms connected to them. Don’t get bogged down with this technical definition. I only mention it to say that the human body contains a lot of alkaline “salts” besides just table salt, i.e., Sodium (the metal) plus Chloride, NaCl. The human body critically includes a number of “salts” of several metals, e.g., Potassium, Calcium, Sodium and Magnesium, known as “electrolytes”. It is difficult to get enough of the proper relative quantities of these inter-related salts without the proper diet I have set out above.

I formulated a food additive called, pHour Salts, to help with adequate intake of the four main electrolytes. If you have access to a supply of pHour Salts, it will really help, but if you don’t – do not despair. If you don’t have access to pHour Salts, get some good sea salt or pHlavor spray mineral salts, and try to eat the darkest green foods you can obtain.


EIGHTH - Monitor you own health. Get a few packages of “pH Test Strips”. Test both your urine and saliva. They are excellent indicators of the proper healthy tissue environments in your body. Each tests a different tissue environment. Check both your urine and your saliva. Check the first urine of the day and your saliva before eating anything in the morning, and then a few times during the day. If you find that your test results are below 7.0 correct immediately, either with a little pHour Salts, or eat a bit of particularly alkaline food, e.g., cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, avocado, etc.. You will quickly get the hang of what corrects your test results the best, and what doesn’t.

I like to use the acronym, C.O.W.S., which stands for CHLOROPHYLL, (OXYGEN and OIL), WATER and SALT.. The proper balance of these four elements through proper eating and dieting, will result in robust health, and WILL KEEP YOU HEALTHY without the traditional frequent visits to the doctor. Getting the proper balance of these four intakes WILL keep you healthy WHEN YOU CAN’T AFFORD HEALTH INSURANCE.

So, if you find yourself without health insurance… the situation may truly be a blessing in disguise, IF it gets you to take control of your own health instead of contracting it out to your doctor and local hospitals. GET HEALTHY AND STAY HEALTHY! You can do it without health insurance or doctors!
More aboutWhat To Do When You Cannot Afford Health Insurance

Lose Weight and Prevent and/or Reverse Diabetes Eating Grapefruit

Posted by thomenda7xx on Thursday, February 26, 2009

Early results from US researchers suggests that eating grapefruit really does help people lose acidic weight, and could help reduce the risk of developing the over-acidic condition known as diabetes.

The study centered on an experiment involving 100 obese people. The group who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost an average of 3.6 lb (1.6kg) over twelve weeks, compared with a placebo group who lost an average 0.5lb (0.2kg). Some patients lost as much as 10lbs. After the meal, the "grapefruit groups" also had reduced levels of insulin, the hormone which enables the body to buffer all acids called sugar. The acid glucose levels were also lower, suggesting a more efficient sugar buffering and elimination.

From the Society of Chemical Industry: Eating Grapefruit Does Help Weight Loss, Could Prevent Diabetes

Early results from US researchers suggests that eating ruby red grapefruit really does help people lose acidic weight, and could help reduce the risk of developing the acid condition known as diabetes.

Writing in Chemistry & Industry Magazine, Marina Murphy reports on a pilot study of one hundred obese patients at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego. The group who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost an average of 3.6 lb (1.6kg) over twelve weeks, compared with a placebo group who lost an average 0.5lb (0.2kg). Some patients lost as much as 10lbs. After the meal, the "grapefruit groups" also had reduced levels of insulin, the alkaline buffer which enables the body to neutralize the toxic effect of sugars. The acid glucose levels were also lower, suggesting a more efficient elimination of the sugar.

"This is the first study linking grapefruit with reduced insulin levels," says Ken Fujioka who led the group. The researchers say the weight loss is likely to be linked to the lower insulin level, and are considering future research to investigate whether this will be of use in diabetes prevention and treatment.

"Insulin is an alkaline buffer secreted by the pancreas that reduces all blood acids, including glucose," stated Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of the pH Miracle Living Center, in San Diego, California.

"When you reduce blood sugars and increase alkalinity in the blood and then tissues you can lose up to 1 pound a day and reduce or even eliminate insulin injections," says Dr. Young.

"Grapefruit can be one of the fruit, including avocado and cucumber that can help maintain the alkaline design of the blood and tissues and prevent All sickness and dis-ease," states Dr. Young.

"This could be a potentially exciting discovery? we'll be following any further research in this area closely" - Diabetes UK

To learn more about preventing and/or reversing Type I or Type II
diabetes, read The pH Miracle for Diabetes, by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.


To order fresh picked organic ruby red grapefruit from the Rancho del Sol go to:



A full copy of the article is available from the SCI Press Office: Email: press@soci.org. Tel 020 7 598 1573 or 1571.
The pH Miracle for Diabetes by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
More aboutLose Weight and Prevent and/or Reverse Diabetes Eating Grapefruit

Keeping The National Press Honest - VACCINES Cause Autism

Posted by thomenda7xx

The government has conceded that vaccines cause autism.
Read on as you will see we need to keep the National
Press, Pharmaceutical Companies and the Government honest!

On February 12, the federal "Vaccine Court" in Washington issued a sweeping ruling in three highly touted "test cases" against families who claimed that their childrens' autism had been caused by vaccines. The Special Masters in those three cases found that Petitioners failed to establish causation between MMR vaccines, the mercury-laced vaccine preservative thimerosal, and autism (the court decision, which is under appeal, deferred any finding on a thimerosal-only theory of causation). The rulings could have a significant precedential impact on some 5,000 families who opted to bring their cases in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP) hoping that the vaccine court would officially hold that the MMR vaccine or thimerosal had caused autism in their children.

The New York Times joined the government Health Agency (HRSA) and its big pharma allies hailing the decisions as proof that the scientific doubts about vaccine safety had finally been "demolished." The US Department of Health and Human services said the rulings should "help reassure parents that vaccines do not cause autism." The Times, which has made itself a blind mouthpiece for HRSA and a leading defender of vaccine safety, joined crowing government and vaccine industry flacks applauding the decisions like giddy cheerleaders, rooting for the same court that many of these same voices viscously derided just one year ago, after Hannah Poling won compensation for her vaccine induced autism.

But last week, the parents of yet another child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were awarded a lump sum of more than $810,000 (plus an estimated $30-40,000 per year for autism services and care) in compensation by the Court, which ruled that the measels-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine had caused acute brain damage that led to his autism spectrum disorder.

The family of 10-year-old Bailey Banks won their case quietly and without fanfare in June of 2007, but the ruling has only now come to public attention. In the remarkably clear and eloquent decision, Special Master Richard Abell ruled that the Banks had successfully demonstrated that "the MMR vaccine at issue actually caused the conditions from which Bailey suffered and continues to suffer."

Bailey's diagnosis is Pervasive Developmental Disorder -- Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) which has been recognized as an autism spectrum disorder by CDC, HRSA and the other federal health agencies since at least the 1990s.

In his conclusion, Special Master Abell ruled that Petitioners had proven that the MMR had directly caused a brain inflammation illness called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) which, in turn, had caused the autism spectrum disorder PDD-NOS in the child:

The Court found that Bailey's ADEM was both caused-in-fact and proximately caused by his vaccination. It is well-understood that the vaccination at issue can cause ADEM, and the Court found, based upon a full reading and hearing of the pertinent facts in this case, that it did actually cause the ADEM. Furthermore, Bailey's ADEM was severe enough to cause lasting, residual damage, and retarded his developmental progress, which fits under the generalized heading of Pervasive Developmental Delay, or PDD [an autism spectrum disorder]. The Court found that Bailey would not have suffered this delay but for the administration of the MMR vaccine, and that this chain of causation was... a proximate sequence of cause and effect leading inexorably from vaccination to Pervasive Developmental Delay.

The Bailey decision is not an isolated ruling. We now know of at least two other successful ADEM cases argued in Vaccine Court. More significantly, an explosive investigation by CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. In many of these cases, the government paid out awards following a judicial finding that vaccine injury lead to the child's autism spectrum disorder. In each of these cases, the plaintiffs' attorneys made the same tactical decision made by Bailey Bank's lawyer, electing to opt out of the highly charged Omnibus Autism Proceedings and argue their autism cases in the regular vaccine court. In many other successful cases, attorneys elected to steer clear of the hot button autism issue altogether and seek recovery instead for the underlying brain damage that caused their client's autism.

Medical records associated with these proceedings clearly tell the tale. In perhaps hundreds of these cases, the children have all the classic symptoms of regressive autism; following vaccination a perfectly healthy child experiences high fever, seizures, and other illnesses, then gradually, over about three months, loses language, the ability to make eye contact, becomes "over-focused" and engages in stereotypical head banging and screaming and then suffers developmental delays characteristic of autism. Many of these children had received the autism diagnosis. Yet the radioactive word "autism" appears nowhere in the decision.

Instead the vaccine court Special Masters rest their judgments on their finding that the vaccines caused some generalized brain injury, mainly Encephalopathy/encephalitis (brain inflammation) or "seizure disorders" -- conditions known to cause autism-like symptoms. A large number of the children who have won these judgments have been separately diagnosed with autism. HRSA acknowledged this fact in a recent letter, but told us it does not keep data on how many of these children were autistic.

The Vaccine Court, in other words, seems quite willing to award millions of dollars in taxpayer funded compensation to vaccine-injured autistic children, so long as they don't have to call the injury by the loaded term "autism." That hazard is particularly acute for vaccine victims who appear before the Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP). Since that body's decisions are closely watched, published and accorded the weight of precedent, many lawyers consider the burden of proof for petitioners to be impossibly high before the OAP Panel. It was for this reason that Bailey's attorney, Mark McLaren, elected to opt out of the OAP and try his case separately, even though Bailey has been receiving autism-related services in his home state and was eligible to file a case in the Court's Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP).

McLaren told us he wanted to avoid the added burden facing petitioners under the media glare and precedential weight attending OAP panel trials. "We considered [the OAP route] because [Bailey] is on the autistic spectrum of disorders, but we thought we could try it separately and apart from the Omnibus, and not as a test case," explained McLaren. "We thought we'd have a better chance if we tried to on its own merit, away from the spotlights and the precedent setting pressures that attend these OAP test cases - and it worked."

Bob Krakow, a leading attorney for vaccine damaged children told that many lawyers are now convinced that filing a claim in the OAP is a losing proposition. "There's a growing conviction that if you have a autistic client who has also been diagnosed with encephalopathy/encephalitis or seizure disorder, you are better off not mentioning the word "autism" if you want to win the case." He recommended instead filing a non autism claim like "mental retardation with seizure disorder" for an autistic client.

Although the vaccine court is mandated to fairly serve the victims of vaccine injuries, their primary purpose and raison d'etre is to protect the vaccine program and vaccine makers. Damages are doled out from a 75-cent tax on every vaccine sold and not from the vaccine makers. "You can understand why special masters, burdened with their duty to protect vaccine programs, might be unwilling to make the direct causal link between autism and vaccines," Krakow observed. "If you ask the big question and answer it in the affirmative, there is a sense that it will damage the vaccine program irreparably."

Vaccine Court judges are equipped with a draconian armory of weapons deployable against plaintiffs intent on proving the causal connection between vaccines and autism. Jury trials are prohibited. Damages are capped; awards for pain and suffering are strictly limited and punitive damages banned altogether. Vaccine defenders have an army of Department of Justice attorneys with virtually unlimited resources for expert witnesses and other litigation costs. Plaintiffs, in contrast, must fund the up front costs for experts on their own. In a cultural choice that clearly favors defendants, vaccine court gives overwhelming weight to written medical records which are often inaccurate -- over all other forms of testimony and evidence. Observations by parents and other caretakers are given little weight.

Worst of all -- plaintiffs have no right to discovery either against the pharmaceutical industry or the government. Since autism is a behavioral affliction rather than a precisely defined biological injury -- epidemiological studies are critical to establishing its causation. But the greatest source of epidemiological data is the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) -- the government maintained medical records of hundreds of thousands of vaccinated children -- which HHS has gone to great lengths to keep out of the hands of plaintiffs' attorneys and independent scientists. Unfortunately the vaccine court has judicially anointed this corrupt concealment by consistently denying every motion by petitioners to view the VSD. The raw data collected in the VSD would undoubtedly provide the epidemiological evidence needed to understand the relationship between vaccines and autism. The absence of such studies makes it easy for judges to say to plaintiffs they have not met their burden of proving causation.

Meanwhile, CDC has actively, openly and systematically suppressed and defunded epidemiological studies that might establish a causal link. CDC has ignored repeated pleadings that it fund peer reviewed studies of unvaccinated American cohorts like the Amish and home-schooled children. At the same time the agency has worked overtime ginning up a series of fatally-flawed European studies purporting to dispute the link. Even a cursory critical examination reveals that the oft-cited Danish, English, and Italian studies are rank tobacco science. Many of them were funded by CDC, a badly compromised agency, performed by vaccine industry scientists, and published in miserably conflicted journals.

Needless to say, the existence of these phony studies, combined with the deliberate dearth of epidemiological evidence makes it easy for the special masters to dodge a politically explosive finding by holding that there is "insufficient evidence."

And, speaking of tobacco, it's worth recalling that for sixty years the tobacco industry successfully defended a product that was killing one out of every five of its customers against thousands of legal actions brought by its victims and their families. Tobacco lawyers protected the cigarette companies by arguing that there was no proven link between tobacco and lung cancer. Bob Krakow sees many parallels. Big tobacco uses the same tactic of manufacturing research that seems to dispute the connection to exploit the burdens on plaintiffs to prove causation. Big tobacco prevailed for six decades even without the help of supportive government agencies deliberately suppressing real science and research. In that sense vaccine victims must leap a much higher hurdle.

Despite the perilous odds stacked against them in vaccine court, the evidence of a vaccine/autism link is so strong that vaccine court judges and government agencies have now recognized at least two theories of how vaccines cause autism: the Vaccine-to-ADEM-to-ASD link in Bailey Banks' case, and vaccine-induced aggravation of an underlying mitochondrial dysfunction that caused full-blown autism in the Hannah Poling case. Both theories are different from those rejected in the three cases last week.

Perhaps, these new disclosures will prompt The Times, with all its influence, to actually make prudent journalistic inquiries into the phony science CDC uses to defend its claims of "vaccine safety." If it does, the paper will realize it has once again been ill used by government agencies in a tragic campaign of public deceit. The Times should make the reasonable demand that the government health agencies finally release the Vaccine Safety Datalink for independent scientific research and that CDC and HRSA lift their opposition to genuine epidemiological studies that might finally provide real scientific answers to this debate.


By David Kirby

A ruling from Federal Vaccine Court -- that MMR vaccine caused an autism spectrum disorder in a young boy named Bailey Banks -- flies directly in the face of the triple-play decision against a vaccine-autism link issued by the Court on February 12.

The Special Masters in those three cases inferred that the vaccine-autism theory was the stuff of Alice in Wonderland fantasy, and virtually accused the childrens' physicians of medical malpractice. (CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta called the Court's language "snide," and we agree).

Meanwhile, the US Department of Health and Human services said the rulings should "help reassure parents that vaccines do not cause autism." But why should parents feel reassured when two out of five autism cases (40%) - that we know of - have won taxpayer-funded compensation in Vaccine Court?

The Ruling

In his decision, Special Master Abell ruled that the MMR vaccine produced a side effect in Bailey called acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). ADEM is a neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. The disorder results in damage to the myelin sheath, a fatty coating that insulates nerve fibers in the brain. ADEM can be caused by natural infections, especially from the measles virus. But it also is a recognized post-vaccination injury, especially from vaccines for rabies, pertussis, influenza, and MMR.

Evidence presented to support an MMR-ADEM link was compelling. It included a 1994 report from the Institute of Medicine that said it was biologically plausible for a vaccine to "induce... an autoimmune response... by nonspecific activation of the T cells directed against myelin proteins."

In fact, both parties in the Banks case agreed "that the IOM has cited demonstrative evidence of a biologically plausible relation between the measles vaccine and demyelinating diseases such as ADEM," the Court wrote.

Most cases of ADEM (80%) are in children. Symptoms usually appear within a few days to a couple of weeks. They include: headache, delirium, lethargy, seizures, stiff neck, fever, ataxia (incoordination), optic nerve damage, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, irritability and changes in mental status.

I know of thousands of parents who witnessed many of these same symptoms afflict their children shortly after vaccination, most typically the MMR. Did these children with autism also suffer initially from ADEM or some subclinical version of the disorder? We may never know (physical signs like myelin damage are transitory).

Bailey Banks was given an MRI when his parents brought him to the hospital 16 days after his MMR vaccine, and that helped confirm his diagnosis. The children I know who were brought in with similar symptoms were instead given Tylenol and told to go home.

(Interestingly, Tylenol can affect production of glutathione, an essential antioxidant and detoxifier. A preliminary study from UC San Diego showed that children who were given Tylenol after their MMR vaccine were several times more likely to develop autism than other children. "Tylenol and MMR was significantly associated with autistic disorder," the authors wrote. "More research needs to be completed to confirm the results of this preliminary study.")

Is vaccine-induced ADEM (and similar disorders) a neurological gateway for a subset of children to go on and develop an ASD? That question will now become subject to debate. Thousands of parents have reported similar reactions and symptoms following vaccination, yet they lack radiological proof of ADEM or related disorders in the form of an MRI. Meanwhile, most children with autism do not present with myelin damage, but many do test positive for antibodies to myelin basic protein (MBP).

Also worth noting is that ADEM causes an inflammatory response in the brain, primarily in the microglial cells. It is also associated with abnormal cytokine levels in the brain, and with autoimmunity. Autism, meanwhile, has been linked to brain inflammation, microglial cell activation, cytokine imbalances, and autoimmunity.

In most cases, symptoms of ADEM disappear within a few weeks or so, and the disorder may be treated with IV cortisone to help reduce inflammation. But none of the children with autism that I know were ever examined or treated for a possible case of ADEM or other acute cases of encephalitis/demyelinating disorder. By now, their myelin damage may have repaired itself, yet the damaging agents, (MBP antibodies), persist.

ADEM is said to be rare, but the disorder may be grossly under-diagnosed (or misdiagnosed). Even the government's chief witness against Bailey's case testified that he sees patients with ADEM "on a fairly regular basis." What's more, Bailey's was the third successful vaccine-ADEM case argued in Vaccine Court (that we know of) so far.


Special Master Abell had no trouble linking MMR to ADEM in Bailey Banks' case. But linking his ADEM to PDD/ASD was more difficult.

There is no medical literature to support an ADEM-PDD link. The government's expert witness, Dr. John MacDonald, testified that "all the medical literature is negative in that regard." Instead, he proposed an alternative hypothesis for Bailey's PDD (he suggested it was caused by glucose transporter 1 deficiency).

But Special Master Abell berated the government's witness in much the same way that Hastings et al. had criticized witnesses for the families in their three cases.

"This (glucose) hypothesis, which (MacDonald) declined to incorporate as a plausible, probable theory of explanation, was used by Respondent to blunt Petitioner's theory of ADEM," Abell wrote. "This hypothesis was not given to a reasonable degree of medical probability or certainty, and Respondent's expert admitted that it was merely 'a possible, not necessarily a probable diagnosis.'"

Abell also chided MacDonald for his assertion that "all the medical literature is negative" in regards to an ADEM-PDD link. "However, soon thereafter, he corrected this statement by clarifying, 'I can find no literature relating ADEM to autism or [PDD],'" Abell wrote. "It may be that Respondent's research reveals a dearth of evidence linking ADEM to PDD, but that is not the same as positive proof that the two are unrelated, something Respondent was unable to produce. Therefore, the statement that 'all the medical literature is negative' is incorrect."

The Court also took MacDonald to task for insisting that Bailey's initial symptoms were not 100% consistent with the signs of ADEM. "His distinction seems one of degree, not of type, and strikes as a trifle semantic," Abell sniffed. He also noted that McDonald was having a hard time determining Bailey's current diagnosis. "He ultimately concluded that 'Bailey falls into the large group of children with autism/PDD in which by our current evidence-based medicine we rarely can make a specific diagnosis.'"

Special Master Abell seemed to lend more credence to witnesses for the Banks family.

Chief among them was Dr. Ivan Lopez, a neurologist and psychiatrist. Dr. Lopez testified that "the majority of patients with ADEM improve significantly," but added that "the exception to this rule is when patients have been exposed to measles, just like in the case of MMR vaccine," in which case subsequent brain damage "may occur in up to 50 percent of patients." He said such events include "mental syndromes such as PDD and others," and opined that "up to 50 percent of patients...who have had ADEM will show (PDD) as a consequence."

Dr. Lopez, a member of the US Military, gave his testimony by phone from Mobile, AL where, the next day, he was to ship out for a tour of duty in Iraq.

In his conclusion, Special Master Abell wrote:

The Court found that Bailey's ADEM was both caused-in-fact and proximately caused by his vaccination. It is well-understood that the vaccination at issue can cause ADEM, and the Court found, based upon a full reading and hearing of the pertinent facts in this case, that it did actually cause the ADEM. Furthermore, Bailey's ADEM was severe enough to cause lasting, residual damage, and retarded his developmental progress, which fits under the generalized heading of Pervasive Developmental Delay, or PDD. The Court found that Bailey would not have suffered this delay but for the administration of the MMR vaccine, and that this chain of causation was not too remote, but was rather a proximate sequence of cause and effect leading inexorably from vaccination to Pervasive Developmental Delay.

And he added this:

Petitioner's theory of PDD caused by vaccine-related ADEM causally connects the vaccination and the ultimate injury, and does so by explaining a logical sequence of cause and effect showing that the vaccination was the ultimate reason for the injury.

Does Bailey Banks Have Autism?

Bailey Banks does not have "classic" or full-blown autism. But he has been diagnosed with PDD-NOS, which is squarely on the autism spectrum of disorders. There was quite a bit of back-and-forth on Bailey's diagnosis in the ruling, whose heading included the term "Non-autistic developmental delay." At several points in the proceedings, witnesses took great pains to say that Bailey does not have "autism" which, technical speaking, is true.

On the other hand, Special Master Abell included notations declaring that "Pervasive Developmental Delay describes a class of conditions, and it is apparent from the record that the parties and the medical records are referring to Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)."

Even so, some will argue that Bailey does not have an ASD. They are simply wrong. The diagnosis of PDD-NOS was added to the list of autism spectrum disorders in the 1980s. It was precisely from the inclusion of these "milder" cases into the total number, that the CDC came up with the estimate of 1-in-150 US children with some form of "autism/ASD."

So, if Bailey does not have ASD, then the number of "autism" cases is well below the 1-in-150 mark and needs to be revised downward (the CDC once estimated that 40% of ASD cases were "non-autistic" in the classic sense).

What's more, Bailey does not have a "mild" form of ASD -- he struggles every day with endless challenges. He receives autism services in his home state and attends a special school for children with autism. Bailey was also completely eligible to file a case in the Court's Omnibus Autism Proceedings (OAP), along with 5,000 other claims.

And besides, if the government chooses after-the-fact to argue that Banks simply has another form of brain damage but not, specifically "autism," is that really any comfort?

This particular theory of causation -- Vaccine-to-ADEM-to-ASD -- is different from the three cases that lost, and different than the theory in the Hannah Poling case (vaccine-induced aggravation of an underlying mitochondrial dysfunction caused full-blown autism).

So we now have two novel theories of how vaccines might contribute to ASD -- both ADEM and mitochondrial dysfunction are recognized by the Court as contributing factors.

And yet the government insists it has never made an award for vaccine induced ASD, just vaccine related ASD.

"The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case based on a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines," said David Bowman, a spokesman for HHS's Health Resources and Services Administration. "We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures."

"Some children who have been compensated for vaccine injuries may have shown signs of autism before the decision to compensate," he added, "or may ultimately end up with autism or autistic symptoms, but we do not track cases on this basis.

Unfortunately, the track record on vaccines is cloudy in this particular Court: Three out of four ADEM cases have been successful; and (at least) two out of five ASD cases have also won.

People will argue that ADEM is rare; that vaccines "only" caused PDD in Bailey; and that this was a legal and not scientific decision. The problem is we don't know how prevalent ADEM is because we never looked; while "PDD" is interchangeable with "ASD" in the language of public health. And, the three cases that lost were also "legal" decisions.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and I would love nothing more than to reassure parents that the nation's current vaccine program is 100% safe for all kids, and that zero credible evidence has been presented to link vaccines with autism. But that simply isn't true -- as at least two court cases have found.

Take Action and Support David Kirby and RFK Jr.

Lets make this the most read article on the Huffington Post. Please read the article and offer David and Robert your words of praise and pass this information to everyone you know. Age of Autism should have the article up as well.

USA Today

To help spread the word of this tremendous victory, Generation Rescue has placed a powerfully written full-page ad in The USA Today, which hits the stands today, Wednesday, February 25th. Please purchase the paper and hang the ad proudly.

Generation Rescue - Press Release

Below is the press release that was issued to the media this morning. If you have any media contacts, please feel free to forward this to them with encouragement to tell this story.

Thank you for your support and efforts on this important day.


Government Again Concedes Vaccines Cause Autism

Mysterious Vaccine Court created in 1986 by the pharmaceutical industry, with the support of Congress, rules in favor of Bailey Banks against HHS.

Los Angeles - February 24, 2009 - Generation Rescue, Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey's Los Angeles-based non-profit autism organization, today announced that the United States Government has once again conceded that vaccines cause autism. The announcement comes on the heels of the recently unsealed court case of Bailey Banks vs. HHS. The ruling states, "The Court found that Bailey would not have suffered this delay but for the administration of the MMR vaccine...a proximate sequence of cause and effect leading inexorably from vaccination to PDD [Autism]."

In a curious and hypocritical method of operation, the mysterious Vaccine Court not only protects vaccine makers from liability but supports a policy that has tripled the number of vaccines given to U.S. children - all after being made aware of the fact that these vaccines do, in fact, cause autism and repeatedly ruling in favor of families with children hurt by their vaccines.

"It was heartbreaking to hear about Bailey's story, but through this ruling we are gaining the proof we need to open the eyes of the world to the fact that vaccines do, in fact, cause autism," said Jenny McCarthy, Hollywood actress, autism activist, best-selling author and Generation Rescue board member. "Bailey Banks' regression into autism after vaccination is the same story I went through with my own son and the same story I have heard from thousands of mothers and fathers around the country. Our hope is that this ruling will influence decision and policy-makers to help the hundreds of thousands of children and families affected by this terrible condition."

Banks vs. HHS is the second known case where the Vaccine Court could not deny the overwhelming evidence showing vaccines caused a child's autism. The first was the case of Hannah Poling in March of 2008, where the court found in her favor and awarded her family compensation.

Jim Carrey, Hollywood legend and Generation Rescue board member, reacted to the news, "It seems the U.S. government is sending mixed messages by telling the world that vaccines don't cause autism, while, at the same time, they are quietly managing a separate 'vaccine court' that is ruling in favor of affected families and finding that vaccines, in fact, were the cause. For most of the autism community the question is no longer whether vaccines caused of their child's autism. The question is why is their government only promoting the rulings that are in favor of the vaccine companies."

Why is a secret court, which no one knows about or understands, quietly paying these families for vaccine injuries and autism? Deirdre Imus, Generation Rescue board member and founder of the Deirdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology says, "Over the past 20 years, the vaccine court has dispensed close to $2 billion in compensation to families whose children were injured or killed by a vaccine. I am not against vaccines and my own child has been vaccinated. But, I share the growing concerns of many parents questioning the number of vaccines given to children today, some of the toxic ingredients in vaccines, and whether we know enough about the combination risks associated with the multiple vaccines given to children during critical developmental windows."

To help spread the word of the Banks ruling, Generation Rescue also bought a full-page ad that will run in the USA Today on 02/25/2009, which has a daily circulation of 2,272,815.

Generation Rescue seeks to answer these questions and many more on a daily basis as they fight for the truth and to recover children with autism around the world. To learn more please visit www.generationrescue.org, write to media@generationrescue.com

About Generation Rescue

Generation Rescue is an international movement of scientists, physicians and parent-volunteers researching the causes and treatments for autism and helping thousands of children begin biomedical treatment.


Peter Nilsson, President, Performance Public Relations for Generation Rescue
858.880.5466 x227 and peter@performpr.com

You can also read the article in Dr. Robert O. Young's book,
Sick and Tired, "A Second Thought About Vaccines."

More aboutKeeping The National Press Honest - VACCINES Cause Autism

A Healthy Lymphatic System In Preventing and Reversing Dis-Ese

Posted by thomenda7xx

Alex Ortner, of Simply Raw did a
follow up interview with
Shelley Young, Dr. Robert Young's
wife, yesterday that I think you'll
want to listen to.

She talks a lot about something that
I think is critical to understand,
the lymphatic system. This system
removes toxins from our body everyday.

She told me about a type of yoga
that is really effective in getting
the system going and removing toxins.
Very cool!

She also gave some really great tips
for transitioning to a more alkaline
diet such as what to eat for breakfast,
and how to get past emotional challenges
and she even discussed how her own
family made the shift years ago.

You can listen to the audio or
download it to your computer from this
web page:


Make sure to listen to the whole thing
because she tells a really great story
near the end of two Type I diabetic
children that have recently reversed
their Type I diabetes that is so
inspiring! :)

To read their story go to:


P.S. - Don't forget to join our social
network at http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#/group.php?gid=50864627953&ref=mf
The network is the official Fan Club of
Dr. Robert and Shelley Young. Show your
support by joining today. :)
More aboutA Healthy Lymphatic System In Preventing and Reversing Dis-Ese

No More Back Pain or Stiffness

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The following is an unsolicited pH Miracle testimony:

Hi! Dr. Young,

I had mentioned starting the pHour salts specifically because I had felt from reading your information, that it would help an extremely horrible lower back of the neck sickening pain that I awoke with every day. It started happening months ago. I was told by a chiropractor that it was arthritis.

I took the pHour salts just before going to bed, and in the morning, I did not have the pain, stiffness and soreness in that area.

I've been using it every night and awake less and less stiff every day in other parts of my body. Getting rid of the soreness and stiffness really is a pH miracle! I just gave it to my father and he wants to buy some now.

Thanks Dr. Young for all your work and interest in communicating your findings.

Olivia Korringa
More aboutNo More Back Pain or Stiffness

Prevent or Reverse Cancer With Broccoli

Posted by thomenda7xx

While it has been known for some time that eating cruciferous
vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, can help prevent breast cancer, the mechanism by which the active substances in these vegetables inhibit cell proliferation was unknown -- until now.

Scientists in the UC Santa Barbara laboratories of Leslie Wilson,
professor of biochemistry and pharmacology, and Mary Ann Jordan, adjunct professor in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, have shown how the healing power of these vegetables works at the cellular level. Their research is published in last month's journal Carcinogenesis.

"Breast cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women, can be protected against by eating cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage and near relatives of cabbage such as broccoli and cauliflower," said first author Olga Azarenko, who is a graduate student at UCSB. "These vegetables contain compounds called isothiocyanates which we believe to be responsible for the cancer-preventive and anti-carcinogenic activities in these vegetables. Broccoli and broccoli sprouts have the highest amount of the isothiocyanates.

"Our paper focuses on the anti-cancer activity of one of these
compounds, called sulforaphane, or SFN," Azarenko added. "It has already been shown to reduce the incidence and rate of chemically induced mammary tumors in animals. It inhibits the growth of cultured human breast cancer cells, leading to cell death."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Center, "one of the alkalizing isothicyanate compounds, called sulforaphane reduces environmental, dietary and metabolic acid in the extracellular fluids and in turn reduces tissue acidosis which in turn prevents and/or reverses a cancerous condition, even in the breasts of women or the prostate of

To increase your diet of green vegetables may I suggest Doc Broc Power Plants which includes organic concentrations of broccoli and broccoli sprouts.

More aboutPrevent or Reverse Cancer With Broccoli

The Scientific Nonsense of Dr. Gabe Mirkin

Posted by thomenda7xx

Many of you have written to me concerning an article
written by Gabe Mirkin entitled, "Acid/Alkaline
Theory of Disease Is Nonsense." Actually, Dr.
Mirkin has chimed in with his two cents worth
on any number of occasions, each time being
approximately incorrect as every other time.
It is quite amazing that the allopathic community
still does not understand some of the most
fundamental activities of the human body including
eating, drinking, digestion and most important
pH fluid balancing.

The following are a few of the major statements
made by Gabe Mirkin in one of his most recent
articles and my subsequent comments about what
he is saying.


Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense
by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

Dr. Gabe states, "Have you seen advertisements
for products such as coral calcium or alkaline
water that are supposed to neutralize acid in
your bloodstream? Taking calcium or drinking
alkaline water does not affect blood acidity.
Anyone who tells you that certain foods or
supplements make your stomach or blood acidic
does not understand nutrition."

The truth is that taking alkaline supplements
or drinking alkaline water will first buffer
the dietary acids in the stomach before buffering
the metabolic acids of the blood and tissues.
This is a good thing since the ideal pH of the
stomach should be over 7.2 to do its work properly.
Current medical savants are simply incorrect when
they state that the ideal pH of the stomach is in
the 1.5 to 3.0 range. Further, any residual
alkalinity that makes it into the blood stream
will be thrown out into the interstitial fluids
to buffer metabolic acids.

Dr. Gabe also states that, "vinegar is acidic
and is used as a digestive enzyme. Protease,
lipase and amylase are all acidic enzymes
that break down proteins in the stomach and
make the over-all pH of the stomach more acidic.
Most all supplements that help with digestion
are acidic and will lower the pH of the stomach."

Wrong again, Dr. Merkin. When we ingest acidic
digestive enzymes, we force the cover cells of
the stomach to begin producing sodium bicarbonate
to buffer the acidic protease, lipase and amylase.
In order for the stomach to produce sodium bicarbonate
to buffer acidic supplements, food or drink, it must
pull sodium, chloride, water and carbon dioxide
from the blood. This can cause sodium and chloride
deficiencies of the blood leading to enervation.
Also, for every molecule of sodium bicarbonate
produced by the stomach, an acidic waste product of
hydrochloric acid is produced which is taken up
into the blood through the gastric pits causing
an acidification of the blood and then tissues.
The blood cannot withstand the slightest decrease
in alkalinity and so the hydrochloric acid is taken
up by the connective tissues and the fatty tissues
leading to latent tissue acidosis and the cause
of all sickness and dis-ease.

Various parts of the body may also give up calcium,
magnesium and potassium ions into the blood in order
to help buffer the excess acids from the stomach.
When these important alkaline minerals are given up,
especially on a consistent basis, this can then
cause bone, muscle and other tissue to diminish or
begin to degenerate due to the loss of these
alkalizing ions. This is the cause of tissue
wasting in what we refer to as degenerative dis-ease.
The secondary effects of taking acidic digestive
enzymes and/or eating acidic food or drink is the
damage to the delicate intestinal villi of the small
intestine. When this happens, the body cannot produce
healthy stem cells, erythroblasts and then erythrocytes.
This leads to blood disorders and then tissue disorders.
Without a healthy, small intestine, it is impossible
to make healthy blood, and without healthy blood,
it is impossible to make healthy body cells that
make up body organs.

Dr. Gabe also states, "your stomach is so acidic
that no food or drink can change its acidity.
Citrus fruits, vinegar, and vitamins such as
ascorbic acid or folic acid do not change the
acidity of your stomach or your bloodstream. An
entire bottle of calcium pills or antacids would
not change the acidity of your stomach for more
than a few minutes."

This is just wrong. This is where Dr. Gabe Mirkin
does not understand or has perhaps never been aware
that the stomach lining secretes an equal amount of
sodium bicarbonate into the stomach in order to
alkalize the food, drink and supplements that we eat
with a toxic acidic waste product of hydrochloric
acid which is taken up by the blood to be eliminated.
When the body does not have enough sodium bicarbonate
to alkalize food, the hydrochloric acid that is then
produced will fall into the gastric pits of the
stomach. Ideally, it would NEVER come into contact
with the food as the sodium bicarbonate rises to the
front or comes to the fore in order to alkalize the
food or liquids ingested. The equation is:
NaCl + H20 + C02 <=> NaHC03 + HCL. The stomach
begins producing and releasing sodium bicarbonate
(an alkalizing compound) immediately when you put
food or drink into your mouth. You can test the
saliva after eating or drinking an acid food and
you will find that in a healthy person, the pH of
the saliva goes up to a pH of 8 or even greater.
When you put something into your mouth, the
salivary glands immediately begin secreting sodium
bicarbonate to increase the pH. This does not
happen when you eat or drink an alkaline food or

Another simple experiment will show you that when
you combine sodium bicarbonate with hydrochloric
acid in a flask, the hydrochloric acid will fall
to the bottom of the flask as the sodium bicarbonate
will rise to the top. This is what happens in the
stomach. The sodium bicarbonate made from the cover
cells of the stomach rises to the front to meet
the food or liquids ingested as the hydrochloric
acid falls into the gastric pits of the stomach
away from the food or drink ingested. The primary
purpose of sodium bicarbonate rising to the
forefront is to alkalize the food, not digest
or acidify the food. The stomach is an organ of
contribution NOT digestion. Its main contribution
is to manufacture sodium bicarbonate designed by
Mother Nature to alkalize the food and liquids
we ingest.

Dr. Gabe then states, "all foods that leave your
stomach are acidic."

This statement is not categorically true as stated
by Dr. Gabe. And ideally, it would never be true.
It would depend on how acid or alkaline the food is
that you are dealing with and how healthy the body
is. All food coming out of the stomach should be
alkaline in preparation to be received by the small
intestine at a pH of 8.2 to 8.4. If the food that
comes out of the stomach into the duodenum is less
than a pH of 8, then a healthy pancreas and gallbladder
will secrete additional sodium bicarbonate in order
to bring up the pH of the liquid food to an 8.2 to
8.4 pH. The secretion of sodium bicarbonate is only
possible if the foundational elements of sodium,
chloride, carbon dioxide and water are available
from the blood. The stomach is the major organ for
producing the alkaline sodium bicarbonate and is
responsible for alkalizing and not digesting the
food and liquids that we ingest.

Dr. Gabe also states, "the food enters your
intestines where secretions from your pancreas
neutralize the stomach acids. So no matter what
you eat, the food in stomach is acidic and the
food in the intestines is alkaline."

I would like you to understand that the pancreas
and the gallbladder are only second in line or
back-up glands to bring up the pH of the food or
liquids ingested to the ideal 8.2 to 8.4 by
secreting sodium bicarbonate. The alkalizing
of our food and drink is very important in order
that the liquefied food can be transformed into
new stem cells in the crypts of the small
intestine or the root system of the body for
making new blood. If the liquid food is too
acidic, it will harm and even destroy the
intestinal villi. This will lead to many if
not all sickness and dis-ease including all
blood disorders.

Dr. Gabe then states, "You cannot change the
acidity of any part of your body except your
urine. Your bloodstream and organs control
acidity in a very narrow range. Anything that
changes acidity in your body would make you
very sick and could even kill you. Promoters
of these products claim that cancer cells
cannot live in an alkaline environment and
that is true, but neither can any of the other
cells in your body.

First of all, there is no such thing as a cancer
cell. There are only cells which have become
cancerous. Cancerous cells­-originally healthy
cells­-have been spoiled with dietary and/or
metabolic acids. When you increase your
alkalinity by simply using sodium bicarbonate,
not only does your urine pH go up above 8, but
your tears, sweat and saliva will also go up.
Our bodies are alkaline by design and acidic
by function. Any food or drink that we ingest
that will maintain that alkaline design will
also preserve the body from aging and will
keep it healthy, energetic and youthful.
Our body cells love alkalinity just like the
ocean fish that swim in a pH of 8.3. My clinical
microscopy and analysis over a 30 year period
of research tells us that body cells thrive in
mild, moderate and high pH fluids ranging from
7.3 to 11 pH. Body cells do not tolerate even a
mild acid state. In fact cancerous cells thrive
in a pH of 5.5.

Dr. Merkin goes on to state that "all chemical
reactions in your body are started by chemicals
called enzymes. For example, if you convert
chemical A to chemical B and release energy,
enzymes must start these reactions. All
enzymes function in a very narrow range of
acidity. (The degree of acidity or alkalinity
is expressed as "pH."). If your blood changes
its acidity or alkalinity for any reason, it
is quickly changed back to the normal pH or
these enzymes would not function and the
necessary chemical reactions would not proceed
in your body.

It is amazing to me how so many functions
of the body are still not properly understood
by so-called modern medicine­ medical practice
that is still actually resting on the wrong
foundational germ theory of Louis Pasteur. First
of all, the body runs on electrons not enzymes.
The enzymes of the body are the exhaust or
the acidic waste products of energy consumption.
We no more need enzymes to run our body then a
car needs carbon monoxide to run. They are both
acidic waste products of metabolism or energy
consumption that need to be eliminated as quickly
as possible through their exhaust systems. For the
human body, acids would be eliminated through
urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration."

Dr. Gabe states, "When you hold your breath,
carbon dioxide accumulates in your bloodstream
very rapidly and your blood turns acidic, and
you will become uncomfortable or even pass out.
This forces you to start breathing again immediately,
and the pH returns to normal. If your kidneys are
damaged and cannot regulate the acidity of your
bloodstream, chemical reactions stop, poisons
accumulate in your bloodstream, and you can die."

Here Dr. Gabe is talking out of both sides of his
mouth. He is right that when you hold your breath
and if the blood cannot purify itself from the
acidity, then you would die. But, this is the
same thing that happens when you over-indulge
in acidic lifestyles and diets. This is the
same thing that happens when the body cannot
eliminate its acidic waste products fast enough
through its elimination systems and organs. So,
dietary and/or metabolic acids that are not
eliminated are thrown out into the blood and
then into the connective tissues and fatty tissues
leading to latent tissue acidosis­ the only cause
of dis-ease. If this process continues and the
lymphatic system does not or cannot eliminate the
acid buildup, because of lack of alkaline hydration
and exercise, through perspiration or back into
circulation and then eliminated through urination,
the acidic body wastes will begin building up and
breaking down the body cells and tissues even while
the blood is maintaining its alkaline state at
7.365 to 7.4.

When the acidity of the tissues continue, the
blood overcompensates by pulling alkalinity from
the bones and muscles into the blood and we then
note a remarkable increase in the blood pH from
7.36 to 7.4 to 7.5. When the pH of the blood
increases in alkalinity, we now know that the
tissues are acidic and the body has entered into
latent tissue acidosis. If this continues and
the alkaline reserves of the body begin to be
used up, the pH of the blood will reverse and go
from a state of alkalosis or latent tissue acidosis
to compensated acidosis to decompensated acidosis
until death. That is why we see very sick people
wasting away as the body is pulling its alkaline
mineral resources from the bones and tissues into
the blood in order to maintain the delicate pH
balance of the blood at 7.365 to 7.4. When the
human body is alkaline by design and acidic by
function and is actively engaged in maintaining
that alkaline design through an alkaline lifestyle
and diet, it is theoretically impossible to lose
bone mass or muscle mass or to get sick or tired.

Gabe states, "certain foods can leave end-products
called ash that can make your urine either acid or
alkaline, but urine is the only body fluid that
can have its acidity changed by food or

The fact is that the urine is a direct reflection
of the tissue pH, caused indirectly, in part, by
food and drink, and can be either acidic or alkaline.
The ideal pH of the urine is 7.2 or above. Most
folks have urine pH lower then 7.2. My own clinical
research has indicated that an acidic urine pH will
manifest as body fatigue and tiredness. A urine pH
that is over 7.2 will manifest an energetic body.

Dr. Gabe says that "ALKALINE-ASH FOODS include fresh
fruit and raw vegetables. ACID-ASH FOODS include ALL
ANIMAL PRODUCTS, whole grains, beans and other seeds.
These foods can change the acidity of your urine, but
that's irrelevant since your urine is contained in
your bladder and does not affect the pH of any other
part of your body."

Here Dr. Gabe has really lost his way. Alkaline
foods include low sugar fruits, green vegetables,
healthy oils, whole unprocessed salts, and alkaline
water. Acid foods include dairy products, animal
flesh, eggs, vinegar, soy sauce, peanuts, corn,
high sugar fruits, high sugar root vegetables like
potato and beet, mushrooms, algae, coffee, tea,
tap water, tobacco, marijuana, most all prescription
drugs, just to name a few. For a complete updated
list of acid and alkaline foods and drinks read,
The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, by Dr. Robert and
Shelley Young."


It is also important to note that the pH of the
urine is a direct indicator of the pH of the body
tissues. When the urine pH is acidic, you are more
likely to be sick and/or tired. When your urine
pH is alkaline or above 7.2 pH, you are more likely
to be healthy and fit. People who are sick will
always have an acidic urine pH. People who are
healthy and fit will always have an alkaline pH.
It is that simple. That is why I have been teaching
and instructing tens of thousands of people for many
years that if you want to be healthy and fit, you
have to pee and sweat your way to health.

Dr. Gabe goes on to say that "when you take in
more protein than your body needs, your body cannot
store it, and so the excess amino acids are
converted to organic acids that would acidify
your blood. But your blood never becomes acidic
because as soon as the proteins are converted to
organic acids, calcium leaves your bones to
neutralize the acid and to try and prevent any
change in pH. Because of this, many scientists
think that taking in too much protein may weaken
bones to cause osteoporosis."

Well, "right on" Dr. Gabe. You finally have
explained something that conforms to the way
that the human body actually works. The body
does, indeed, pull calcium ions from the bones
and magnesium ions from the muscles to buffer
the organic acids from animal proteins in order
to maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the blood.
But, it is very important to remember when you
are pulling alkaline minerals from the tissues
and organs in order to maintain the alkalinity
of the blood, you end up with acidic tissues and
organs that leaves weak and brittle bones, tissues
and organs.

I would like to add that eating animal protein
results in the release of uric, nitric, sulphuric,
and phosphoric acids which the body tissues and
organs do not manage well. You can test the morning
urine after eating animal proteins and note the
lowered acidic urine pH. The morning urine pH
is a direct indicator of tissue pH and a person's
lifestyle and dietary choices over the last
24 hours.

Dr. Gabe and I are in agreement that the body
pulls alkaline minerals from the bones to maintain
the alkalinity of the blood at the expense of weak
or degenerative bones such as in the symptom of
osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the direct result
of an acidic lifestyle and diet, especially the
ingestion of animal proteins. You can protect
your bones, muscles and other organs with an
alkaline lifestyle and diet. So give up the
"beef" Gabe, whether from animal or from emotions.
They are both acidic and compromise the delicate
pH of the body fluids.

Gabe also states that, "cranberries have been
shown to help prevent recurrent urinary tract
infections, but not because of their acidity.
They contain chemicals that prevent bacteria
from sticking to urinary tract cells."

I would explain it this way. Cranberries contain
antioxidants that buffer the acids in the fluids
of the body including the urinary tract. Bacteria
is the result of cells that have transformed because
of the over-acidic state of the body. Acids act
like molecular glue. The antioxidants of the
cranberries help to buffer those acids with
alkaline compounds thus reversing the very thing
that causes the infection, that is, metabolic
and/or dietary ACID."

Dr. Gabe states: "taking calcium supplements or
drinking alkaline water will not change the pH
of your blood. If you hear someone say that your
body is too acidic and you should use their product
to make it more alkaline, you would be wise not to
believe anything else the person tells you."

I would like you to understand that taking alkaline
supplements or drinking alkaline water will help
prevent the blood from pulling alkaline compounds
from other parts of the body and thus helping to
maintain its alkaline design. Nobel prize winner
in medicine, Dr. Alexis Carrel, in 1912 stated,
"the human cell is immortal as long as we maintain
the alkaline fluids that it is bathed in."
I stated in 1986 that the human body is alkaline
by design, however, acidic by function. If you
can maintain the alkaline design of the body with
an alkaline lifestyle and diet you will never get
sick, tired or suffer from ANY dis-ease or disease.

People have been listening to allopathic medical
spokesperson like Dr. Gabe Mirkin for many decades.
Part of the reason that western medical science
is in such disarray, part of the reason that
750,000 people die from medical treatment every
year in America, and part of the reason that
drug companies spend so much money wooing doctors,
is that western medical science is controlled by
inadequate, wrong-headed, and self-invested research
programs and methodology. That research is
controlled in large part by the pharmaceutical
industry in conjunction with medical schools.

Almost all non-traditional and alternative
medical practitioners use products that cannot
be patented and do not reap obscene profits
from people who are unhealthy and sick. I
think it is fair to say that medicine controlled
by patents are more about money than health.
Thus, with this value system, there is little
reason for profit-oriented pharmaceutical
companies to look beyond the present broken-down
system and model.

I encourage spokespersons such as Dr. Gabe Mirkin
to look beyond the present system and to ask new
questions about how the body works, why so many
people are sick, why the elderly are on half a
dozen medicines or more, why so many people die
in the care of our medical system, and why so
many people are becoming increasingly distrustful
of the present medical system.
More aboutThe Scientific Nonsense of Dr. Gabe Mirkin

Cancer is Acid and Acid is Cancer

Posted by thomenda7xx

A look at data for over 1 million women in the UK indicates that drinking the acid alcohol -- even low amounts -- increases the risk of causing certain cancerous conditions in women.

According to the data released today, about 13 percent of the cancerous conditions of the breast, liver, rectum, and upper respiratory/gastrointestinal system may be related to using a alcohol, a strong acid that spoils healthy cells making them cancerous.

In their analysis of 1,280,296 middle-aged women from the so-called Million Women Study, Dr. Naomi E. Allen and colleagues from the University of Oxford found that 24 percent of participants reported no alcohol consumption. Women in the study who did drink alcohol consumed, on average, one drink per day. Very few drank three or more drinks per day.

During an average follow-up time of more than 7 years, 68,775 women were diagnosed with a cancerous condition.

As daily alcohol intake increased, so did the risks for cancerous conditions of the mouth and throat, esophagus, larynx (voicebox), rectum, liver, and breast, the researchers found. The risks were similar for women who drank acidic wine exclusively or other acidic beverages, like carbonated drinks.

The investigators calculate that for each additional acid drink of alcohol consumed regularly per day the excess number of cases per 1000 women up to age 75 was 11 for breast cancer, 1 for mouth and throat cancer, 1 for rectal cancer, and 0.7 each for malignancies of the esophagus, larynx, and liver.

The findings appear in the March 4th issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

In a related commentary, Dr. Michael S. Lauer and Dr. Paul Sorlie, from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, wrote: "Despite its attractions, alcohol has been the proximate cause of a great deal of human misery, now with additional documentation by the elegant report of Allen et. al."

"Perhaps the complex story of alcohol," they add, "can be best summed up by what the great professor Albus Dumbledore said about truth in one of his conversations with his student Harry Potter: 'It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution'."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "cancer is acid and acid is cancer that can flow through the body fermenting and spoiling healthy cells. If you drink a glass of alcohol you are drinking a glass of cancer. Expect to eventually experience a cancerous condition in your body sooner or later, unless you suffer from a heart attack first."


Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 4, 2009
The pH Miracle for Cancer CD's, Dr. Robert O. Young
More aboutCancer is Acid and Acid is Cancer

Zinc May Help To Prevent and Reverse Diabetes

Posted by thomenda7xx

Before any firm conclusions can be drawn, however, the researchers, led by Qi Sun, caution that more studies are needed to confirm these finding, as well as to elucidate potential mechanisms. The results are published online ahead of print in the journal Diabetes Care.

Zinc, one of the most plentiful trace elements in the body, second only to iron, mediates many physiological functions.

It is believed to be essential for maintaining healthy active white blood cells; recent science suggests the mineral could also influence memory, muscle strength and endurance in adults. Zinc nutrition in very young children has been related to motor, cognitive and psychosocial function.

The Harvard study involved 82,297 women aged between 33 and 60 taking part in the Nurses' Health Study. Over the course of 24 years, 6,030 cases of type-2 diabetes were documented.

After relating the incidence of the disease with data obtained from a validated food frequency questionnaire, the researchers note that women with the highest average dietary intakes of zinc were 10 per cent less likely to develop the acidic condition of diabetes, while women with the highest average total intakes had their acidic risk reduced by 8 per cent.

Further number crunching by the researchers took into account other potentially confounding factors, and showed that increasing intakes of the alkalizing mineral Zinc were associated with a reduction up to 28 per cent.

"The mechanism behind the effects is the minerals ability to chelate dietary and/or metabolic acid and reduce the risk of conditions associated with increased acidosis, such as diabetes and cancer," states Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center.

An estimated 19 million people are affected by the dietary and/or metabolic acid condition called diabetes in the EU 25, equal to four per cent of the total population. This figure is projected to increase to 26 million by 2030.

In the US, there are over 20 million people with acid induced diabetes, equal to seven per cent of the population. The total costs are thought to be as much as $132 billion, with $92 billion being direct costs from medication, according to American Diabetes Association figures (2002).

"Increased acidity from animal proteins, high acid sugar fruits, and other acidic sugars from carbohydrates compromise the alkaline design of the body. This alkaline compromise, due to acidic lifestyle and dietary choice can then lead to pancreatic stress and damage to the delicate root system of the body, the intestinal villi, leading to the condition of diabetes," states Dr. Young.

Dr. Young further states, "the mineral zinc can reduce dietary and metabolic acid supporting the pancreas and its insulin producing beta cells and protect the alkaline environment of the small intestine, responsible for the creation of stem cells, erythroblasts and erythrocytes."


Diabetes Care
Publish online ahead of print 26 January 2009, doi: 10.2337/dc08-1913
“A Prospective Study of Zinc Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women”
Authors: Q. Sun, R.M. van Dam, W.C. Willett, F.B. Hu
The pH Miracle for Diabetes, Dr. Robert and Shelley Young
More aboutZinc May Help To Prevent and Reverse Diabetes