Cancer is Acid and Acid is Cancer

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A look at data for over 1 million women in the UK indicates that drinking the acid alcohol -- even low amounts -- increases the risk of causing certain cancerous conditions in women.

According to the data released today, about 13 percent of the cancerous conditions of the breast, liver, rectum, and upper respiratory/gastrointestinal system may be related to using a alcohol, a strong acid that spoils healthy cells making them cancerous.

In their analysis of 1,280,296 middle-aged women from the so-called Million Women Study, Dr. Naomi E. Allen and colleagues from the University of Oxford found that 24 percent of participants reported no alcohol consumption. Women in the study who did drink alcohol consumed, on average, one drink per day. Very few drank three or more drinks per day.

During an average follow-up time of more than 7 years, 68,775 women were diagnosed with a cancerous condition.

As daily alcohol intake increased, so did the risks for cancerous conditions of the mouth and throat, esophagus, larynx (voicebox), rectum, liver, and breast, the researchers found. The risks were similar for women who drank acidic wine exclusively or other acidic beverages, like carbonated drinks.

The investigators calculate that for each additional acid drink of alcohol consumed regularly per day the excess number of cases per 1000 women up to age 75 was 11 for breast cancer, 1 for mouth and throat cancer, 1 for rectal cancer, and 0.7 each for malignancies of the esophagus, larynx, and liver.

The findings appear in the March 4th issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

In a related commentary, Dr. Michael S. Lauer and Dr. Paul Sorlie, from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, wrote: "Despite its attractions, alcohol has been the proximate cause of a great deal of human misery, now with additional documentation by the elegant report of Allen et. al."

"Perhaps the complex story of alcohol," they add, "can be best summed up by what the great professor Albus Dumbledore said about truth in one of his conversations with his student Harry Potter: 'It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution'."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "cancer is acid and acid is cancer that can flow through the body fermenting and spoiling healthy cells. If you drink a glass of alcohol you are drinking a glass of cancer. Expect to eventually experience a cancerous condition in your body sooner or later, unless you suffer from a heart attack first."


Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 4, 2009
The pH Miracle for Cancer CD's, Dr. Robert O. Young

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