How too much cheese and meat can make your body dangerously acidic
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2008851/How-cheese-meat-make-body-dangerously-acidic.html#ixzz1kbXGgjyS
Eating meat of any kind is harmful to the blood and tissues and leads to sickness and dis-ease.
The stomach creates and equal amount of sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the food you eat with an equal amount of the highly toxic acid, hydrochloric acid, as a waste product. The stomach is an organ of contribution and its main contribution is to maintain the alkaline design of the blood and tissues by alkalizing the acids from the food we eat to the energy we use.
Dr. Young has rewritten modern physiology with the understanding that the human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. ALL sickness and disease is the result of acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. All health and fitness is achieved through an alkaline lifestyle and diet of green foods, green drinks, healthy polyunsaturated oils, alkaline water, mineral salts, daily exercise and minimized emotional stress.
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