The picture is of Scott William (34 years old) from Sydney, Australia and Dr Young. Scott was diagnosed with Ulcerated Colitis ten years ago. He has been in chronic pain for over ten years. Just two weeks ago the Doctors told him that his bowel condition was so dire that he needed to have his large bowel entirely removed and replaced with a coloscopy bag. He immediately decided to fly all the way from Australia to come to the pH Miracle Center at the Rancho del Sol as his last hope for a reversal of his condition. Within 3 days at the Ranch while living the pH Miracle Lifestyle he was completely out of pain. The best news of all - within 12 days NO MORE ulcerated colitis. The pictures behind us show the blood before with the polymerized proteins in the center of the blood layer indicating the ulcerated and inflammatory bowel and the after picture showing no more ulcers or inflammation. Scott is feeling fantastic and excercising everyday for 1 hour. He loves his new lifestyle and he is elated that he avoided a life altering surgery.
Home »Unlabelled » No More Ulcerated Colitis - Gone After Ten Years of Suffering!
No More Ulcerated Colitis - Gone After Ten Years of Suffering!
Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, December 10, 2011
The picture is of Scott William (34 years old) from Sydney, Australia and Dr Young. Scott was diagnosed with Ulcerated Colitis ten years ago. He has been in chronic pain for over ten years. Just two weeks ago the Doctors told him that his bowel condition was so dire that he needed to have his large bowel entirely removed and replaced with a coloscopy bag. He immediately decided to fly all the way from Australia to come to the pH Miracle Center at the Rancho del Sol as his last hope for a reversal of his condition. Within 3 days at the Ranch while living the pH Miracle Lifestyle he was completely out of pain. The best news of all - within 12 days NO MORE ulcerated colitis. The pictures behind us show the blood before with the polymerized proteins in the center of the blood layer indicating the ulcerated and inflammatory bowel and the after picture showing no more ulcers or inflammation. Scott is feeling fantastic and excercising everyday for 1 hour. He loves his new lifestyle and he is elated that he avoided a life altering surgery.
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