Ten Good Reasons To Avoid Vaccination

Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here are the 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011, reported on NaturalNews.com:

#1 - Japanese children die from vaccines

Yet more evidence emerges of the deadly side effects of vaccines:

#2 - U.S. government recruits churches to push flu shots on congregation members

Take that flu shot, or you'll go to Hell! That's the new message the U.S. government is trying to pound into the heads of church pastors and priests:

#3 - Top CDC vaccine scientist indicted for fraud

You probably never read this story elsewhere, but one of the CDC's top researchers was indicted for allegedly stealing vaccine research money and using it to buy fancy vehicles and a luxury home:

#4 - IOM admits MMR vaccines cause seizures and measles

In a groundbreaking report, the Institute of Medicine openly admitted that vaccines actually cause the very measles they claim to prevent. The mainstream media, of course, misreported this research and utterly failed to cover the real story.

#5 - CDC openly admits flu vaccines don't work

Here's news you don't see every day: The CDC openly admits that vaccine flu shots "wear off," meaning they simply do not work in the way vaccine-pushing immunologists told us they did.

#6 - Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits vaccines contain cancer-causing viruses

The actual admission happened decades ago, but news of it only went viral in 2011 as alternative news websites like NaturalNews publicized the once-secret audio recordings revealing shocking admissions by Dr. Maurice Hilleman.

#7 - HPV vaccines found contaminated with HPV!

Pretty clever, huh? Just lace the HPV vaccines with the DNA of HPV itself, and you can spread the disease to create more fear that sells more vaccines!

#8 - Swine flu vaccine admittedly causes neurological disorders

2011 was the year that the nation of Finland openly admitted on the record that swine flu vaccines "conclusively" cause neurological disorders. It then offered to pay the lifetime medical costs of those damaged by such vaccines.

Remember, the USA continues to absurdly claim that vaccines cause NO damage (not to anyone) and are perfectly safe for infants, children and even pregnant women!

#9 - Science says flu vaccines only work on 1 out of 100

Now, even the scientists can't argue with their own science, can they? Rigorous studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals reveal that flu vaccines hardly work at all and are wasted on 98.5 out of 100 people who take them.

#10 - Hallmark caught distributing flu shot compliance cards to new moms

Yes, even the Hallmark card company is now pushing vaccines. Plotting alongside state agencies in Florida, Colorado and elsewhere, the company pushes out cutesy flu shot "compliance" cards that urge new moms to have their newborn babies injected with dozens of combination vaccines, complete with mercury and chemical adjuvants that cause neurological disorders.

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Dr Young Loves Apples!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Thursday, December 29, 2011

I love apples. I love their crunch. I love their texture. I love their sweet taste. And, I love apples because they are a whole raw organic food. My Mother put an apple in my lunch sack for school. I have only fond memories of apples.

What I do not love about apples is they cause the blood to hypercoagulate or stick together causing oxygen deprivation and circulation problems to the extremeties. The sugars in apples are in excess of their alkalizing minerals causing blood and tissue acidosis contributing to all sickness and disease. The sugars in apples will cause paralysis of the white blood cells for over five hours. The sugars in apples will cause a depressed person to become more depressed. An anemic person to become more anemic. A fat person to gain more weight. A thin person to lose more weight. A cancerous person to become more cancerous. A person with osteoarthritis or porosis to experience more pain and to lose more calcium ions into the blood to maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the blood plasma and other body fluids.

I rarely eat apples and only if I am seriously hungry and when there is nothing else to eat that is raw or natural.

All of my patients are taken off all sweet fruit, including apples.

Apples do not build stem cells and therfore do not build blood or tissues.

The old adage, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' is a scientific myth. An apple a day keeps the doctor in buisness.

I am sure you are thinking that my statements are extreme. But I disagree! Cancer is extreme! Osteoporosis is extreme! Immune deficiencies are extremes! Diabetes is extreme!

All sugars are metabolic waste products! They are the exhaust from energy consumption. The body runs on electrons NOT sugar. The brain runs on electrons NOT sugar. It does not matter the source of sugar - all sugars are toxic just like cocaine is toxic. They both will make you high and they both will cause paralysis, sickness, disease and premature death.
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Dr Robert O Young Around The World - Romania and Hungary

Posted by thomenda7xx on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

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Dr Robert O Young Press Releases Around The World!

Posted by thomenda7xx

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Dr Robert O Young Press Releases Around The World!

Posted by thomenda7xx

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The pH Miracle Books NOW in Romanian!

Posted by thomenda7xx

More aboutThe pH Miracle Books NOW in Romanian!

Media Exposure for Dr Robert O Young

Posted by thomenda7xx

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Chronic Fatique Syndrome/ME/FM - A Call For Research To Find A Cure!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Scott Carlson, CFI Executive Director
Chronic Fatigue Initiative
New York City, New York

I was so pleased to read that the Hutchins Family Foundation has the interest and motivation to support research for CFID/ME/FM. It is a devastating illness.

I am writing to inquire with all seriousness to see if this Foundation can in any way support a research project based in the world of Alternative Medicine. I was diagnosed with CFIDS in 1987, though I was documented with malaise in 1985. My pursuit was directed into holistic approaches early on because there was nothing in the medical world available. I saw Scott M. Hammer, M.D. in late 1985 at the Deaconess Hospital in Boston, MA, for a second opinion.

My prognosis was not good. I was devastatingly ill at the age of 33, there was nothing that could be done and I was expected to “live”. I was forced by this condition to be virtually immobile 96% of the time for 5-7 years. My muscles atrophied to the point that my muscles could not hold my skeletal structure in place. I was plague with nearly 50 symptoms that waxed and waned leaving me praying to die. The pain that accompanied this condition was often times unbearable, I felt tortured by my own body. Over the years, I experienced improvements with several holistic/alternative practices.

In 2004/2005, I became aware of the research of Robert O. Young, PhD, DSc. of The pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California. After attending a lecture he gave in March of 2005 at Harvard University, I was so convinced that he was credible and based his findings on solid science, that I began applying just the dietary changes he recommended and in about 1 year I experienced enough improvement that I liquidated some of my retirement account and flew to the ranch to study the science behind his research. I had to do this because I felt so fragile and I needed the understanding to help keep me focused with knowledge about how to create wellness in my body. The quality of my life has improved immensely. Since everything I have done is paid for out of pocket, I have reached the point where I do not feel I can complete my healing process due to finances.
I would love to collaborate in setting up a research project based on the research of Dr. Young to bring validation to what I have experienced, to complete my own healing and to hopefully bring relief to so many who have suffered for so long. I am trained as a Nutritional Microscopist by Dr. Young and feel that I could make a contribution to the CFIDS/ME/FM community that is worth funding. This collaborative would also need the expertise of other holistic practitioners.

I have no medical training. I have no training in research. However, I have 26 years experience living with CFIDS/ME/FM and finding my way back towards health. I do know the value of recording and documenting results. I have all my medical records since the onset of CFIDS/ME/FM on May 20, 1985.

I have a Double Major - BA in Mathematics and Secondary Education and a minor in Computer Sciences from my undergraduate studies.

CFS Central: The Chronic Fatigue Initiative website states, “CFI will offer grants to fund new research guided by five or six general hypotheses formed by a scientific advisory board of leading scientists and clinicians.”

I propose that CFI authorize a CFHI, Chronic Fatigue Holistic Initiative, division and collaborate with myself and Dr. Young to create a Scientific Advisory Board of Leading Alternative thinking scientists and clinicians. This would primarily be a non-pharmaceutical approach to healing CFIDS/ME/FM. This would be New Research.

Chronic Fatigue Initiative: …..“Through the CFI-sponsored research, we hope to clearly define the causes of the disease.” I believe that Dr. Young’s research can answer this question scientifically. I am living proof.

Certainly this effort would need to be in collaboration with Medical Doctors. Markers could be studied throughout the project, however traditional research would need not to drive the research. And due to the numerous health conditions that CFIDS/ME/FM hosts, monitoring of blood chemistry and any other needed patient specific monitoring and tracking would need to be in place.

I have prayed for this type of possibility to become available.

Dr. Young, www.phmiracleliving.com would need to be a primary consultant in this project. I would be happy to answer any of your questions that I am able to.

In conclusion, what I know to be true now that I have been able to read and absorb current CFIDS/ME/FM information is that my correct diagnosis should have been ME/CFIDS/FM with 50+ symptoms. I would appreciate a response that includes:

• How my request can become one of the five or six general hypotheses

• What information I would need to provide to satisfy the above request

• An openness from the Board to hear the science behind Dr. Young’s work

• Any other criteria that I would need to address

• What resources the Board would need to bring this request to fruition


Elizabeth C Potter (Libby Potter)

CC: Nancy Klimas, MD info@cfsclinic.com 1-305-595-4300
CC: Scott M. Hammer, MD smh48@columbia.edu 1-212-305-7185
CC: Robert O Young, PhD, DSc. phmiraclesecrets@aol.com 1-760-751-8321
More aboutChronic Fatique Syndrome/ME/FM - A Call For Research To Find A Cure!

From Dud to Stud!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rick Goode Testimonal

I wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for helping me achieve what I felt was impossible. I started a 12 week challenge to lose as much weight and gain as much muscle as possible. I started the challenge at 24% body fat and ended at 6.8%.

My success was directly linked to the mental preparedness that you helped me with. With your help, I was able to focus more clearly and have the discipline I needed to lose 31 pounds of fat and at the same time gain 11 pounds of muscle in just 90 days!

In addition, I was able to be injury free as a result of my inner mind warning me when I was on the verge of training too hard. My biggest challenge was eating right. As a result of the mental shift you helped me create; I now view food as a tool to help me accomplish my goals, not a relaxant after a stressful day.

Thanks for a great mental tune up. It worked!

Rick Goode Vancouver, WA

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No More Ulcerated Colitis - Gone After Ten Years of Suffering!

Posted by thomenda7xx

The picture is of Scott William (34 years old) from Sydney, Australia and Dr Young. Scott was diagnosed with Ulcerated Colitis ten years ago. He has been in chronic pain for over ten years. Just two weeks ago the Doctors told him that his bowel condition was so dire that he needed to have his large bowel entirely removed and replaced with a coloscopy bag. He immediately decided to fly all the way from Australia to come to the pH Miracle Center at the Rancho del Sol as his last hope for a reversal of his condition. Within 3 days at the Ranch while living the pH Miracle Lifestyle he was completely out of pain. The best news of all - within 12 days NO MORE ulcerated colitis. The pictures behind us show the blood before with the polymerized proteins in the center of the blood layer indicating the ulcerated and inflammatory bowel and the after picture showing no more ulcers or inflammation. Scott is feeling fantastic and excercising everyday for 1 hour. He loves his new lifestyle and he is elated that he avoided a life altering surgery.
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