Here are the 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011, reported on NaturalNews.com:
#1 - Japanese children die from vaccines
Yet more evidence emerges of the deadly side effects of vaccines:
#2 - U.S. government recruits churches to push flu shots on congregation members
Take that flu shot, or you'll go to Hell! That's the new message the U.S. government is trying to pound into the heads of church pastors and priests:
#3 - Top CDC vaccine scientist indicted for fraud
You probably never read this story elsewhere, but one of the CDC's top researchers was indicted for allegedly stealing vaccine research money and using it to buy fancy vehicles and a luxury home:
#4 - IOM admits MMR vaccines cause seizures and measles
In a groundbreaking report, the Institute of Medicine openly admitted that vaccines actually cause the very measles they claim to prevent. The mainstream media, of course, misreported this research and utterly failed to cover the real story.
#5 - CDC openly admits flu vaccines don't work
Here's news you don't see every day: The CDC openly admits that vaccine flu shots "wear off," meaning they simply do not work in the way vaccine-pushing immunologists told us they did.
#6 - Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits vaccines contain cancer-causing viruses
The actual admission happened decades ago, but news of it only went viral in 2011 as alternative news websites like NaturalNews publicized the once-secret audio recordings revealing shocking admissions by Dr. Maurice Hilleman.
#7 - HPV vaccines found contaminated with HPV!
Pretty clever, huh? Just lace the HPV vaccines with the DNA of HPV itself, and you can spread the disease to create more fear that sells more vaccines!
#8 - Swine flu vaccine admittedly causes neurological disorders
2011 was the year that the nation of Finland openly admitted on the record that swine flu vaccines "conclusively" cause neurological disorders. It then offered to pay the lifetime medical costs of those damaged by such vaccines.
Remember, the USA continues to absurdly claim that vaccines cause NO damage (not to anyone) and are perfectly safe for infants, children and even pregnant women!
#9 - Science says flu vaccines only work on 1 out of 100
Now, even the scientists can't argue with their own science, can they? Rigorous studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals reveal that flu vaccines hardly work at all and are wasted on 98.5 out of 100 people who take them.
#10 - Hallmark caught distributing flu shot compliance cards to new moms
Yes, even the Hallmark card company is now pushing vaccines. Plotting alongside state agencies in Florida, Colorado and elsewhere, the company pushes out cutesy flu shot "compliance" cards that urge new moms to have their newborn babies injected with dozens of combination vaccines, complete with mercury and chemical adjuvants that cause neurological disorders.