Dr. Robert Young, author of the best sellers “The pH Miracle,” “The ph Miracle for Diabetes,” and ‘The pH Miracle for Weight Loss,” and owner of The pH Miracle Center and Health Ranch in California will be in Palm Beach to speak this Wednesday night May 18 at 7:30 P.M. Please log on to see Dr. Young’s full background at www.phmiracleliving.com
Dinner and the Dr. Young talk will take place at The Raw Kitchen, at 509 Clematis St. West Palm Beach 33401. Their phone number is 561 820 0144. They are closing the restaurant for this private Dr. Young event. You can get there earlier if you want to eat before as they will seat participants from 5:00 on, or you can eat during Dr. Young’s talk. The restaurant serves delicious and healthy food and In case you’re wondering, the dinners range from $17 to $20. There is no charge for the talk.
Your excellent health is your birthright. Let Dr. Young lead you back to feeling great…the natural way. If you are interested, Dr. Young will be available to see clients individually during the following day, Thursday May 19. Don’t miss this life changing and conscious evening.
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