The controversy over the widespread use of hydrogen peroxide continues despite current research confirming the rejection of hydrogen peroxide as a nutritional supplement or therapeutic agent.
The following is a scientific critique of some recent publications advocating the use of hydrogen peroxide.
Atomic or nascent oxygen has been shown to be of great value in the eradication and retrograding biological transformations or pleomorphic micro-organisms such as bacteria, yeast and mold. These biological transformations and their waste products can create highly toxic acids causing dis-ease in man. These micro-organisms typically do not contain alkaline buffers to neutralize oxygen byproducts resulting from the utilization of electrons in the presence of oxygen and therefore cannot protect themselves. These alkaline buffers that can protect cells from being retrograded include catalase, superoxide dismautase and nascent oxygen.
Many substances are capable of releasing nascent oxygen such as chloride oxides, ozone, hydrogen peroxide and iodine compounds including sodium per iodate. A comparison may be made of these substances on the basis of their stability and toxicity as well as their pharmaconetic properties (how it reacts in the body). Using the above examples, Ozone (O3), releases its oxygen very rapidly (short half-life) while chloride oxides remain effective over a much longer period of time (such as the main ingredient in Prime pH or Activator - sodium chlorite). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has a relative short half-life as well as stimulating the release of alkaline buffers such as OH- and SO- or hydroxyl ions or superoxide ions for the purposes of buffering toxic acidic waste products from metabolism of body cells or micro-organisms. Sodium peridate is a rich source of oxygen however, the byproduct, iodine, is highly toxic to the body cells causing them to retrograde into bacteria or yeast.
Here are the important points to remember:
(1) Oxides of Chloride (CLO2) (CLO) (CLO3) etc.
These remarkable substances have been in use for almost 100 years to reverse the endogenous acids that cause human dis-ease. The major problem, however, has been their instability, resulting in equilibrium compounds such as chlorine, chlorate and hypochlorite. The ability to stabilize chloride oxides has been one of the major breakthroughs of my research in the last few years making it possible not only to use these oxides for oral use but in the injectable form as well.
The distinction between nascent (atomic) and molecular (atmospheric) oxygen is that the two nascent oxygen's that combine to form molecular oxygen (O2) are bound to each other, whereas in a carrier of atomic oxygen (CLO2), the two oxygen atoms are bound to a their atom (chlorine) but not to each other. This molecular structure makes possible the release of the highly active form, nascent oxygen (O1). The general pattern of this molecular structure is also found in other carriers of nascent oxygen.
Water is chlorinated with molecular chlorine (CL2), in which two atoms of chlorine are bound to each other. In oxides of chlorine, there is present only one chlorine which, upon release of the oxygen, becomes chloride (CL-), always naturally present in the blood and used by the body as an antioxidant to buffer dietary and metabolic acid.
It should also me mentioned that the body generates nascent oxygen in the mixed function oxidase system for oxidative purposes and to buffer metabolic, respiratory and/or dietary acids to help maintain the alkaline design of the body or delicate pH balance of the body fluids at 7.365. Therefore the degradation products, chloride and nascent oxygen, are to be found naturally in biological systems for maintaining pH or alkaline design of the body.
Since the mechanism for buffer endogenous acids by nascent oxygen has been demonstrated by my research both in vitro and in vivo and involves a mechanism so fundamental to life processes it:
(1) cannot result in biological transformations of healthy body cells, including blood cells into bacteria, yeast or mold, and,
(2) does not damage human, animal or plant cells which are equipped to handle oxidative processes or metabolic, respiratory or dietary acid.
For these reasons buffering metabolic, respiratory and/or dietary acids and preventing the biological transformation of human, animal or plants cells into bacteria, yeast and mold and even retrograding these anaerobic micro-organisms by nascent oxygen (Prime pH or Activator which contains sodium chlorite and produces nascent oxygen) are superior adjunctive to use of any traditional therapies, including the use of antibiotics, vaccinations or hydrogen peroxide.
(1) The base compound is non-toxic at over 10 times the normal therapeutic levels.
(2) A rich source of electron rich nascent oxygen or atomic oxygen (O1) of two atoms per molecule compared to only one atom for hydrogen peroxide.
(3) The pH of this compound is 12.3 with an oxidative reduction potential of over -450 mV compared to hydrogen peroxide with a pH of 3.2 and an oxidative reduction potential of +274 mV.
(4) The major degradation compound (chloride ion) is non-toxic and a normal blood and body constituent in comparison to hydrogen peroxide which release 2 atoms of hydrogen causing acidification to the blood and tissues potentially leading to human dis-ease.
(5) The half-life of nascent oxygen in the body is approximately 12 hours compared to hydrogen peroxide which is 6 hours.
(6) Does not initiate the release of alkaline buffers from body cells where hydrogen peroxide does cause the release of oxygen alkaline buffers to neutralize the two hydrogen ions released from the hydrogen peroxide.
Ozone has the shortest half-life of the commonly used oxidants and because of its known toxicity to lung tissue in particular, is a major problem. The major use of ozone is the ozonation of blood in vitro which is common in Europe.
(3) Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Hydrogen peroxide has moderate to low source of nascent oxygen (one atom per molecule) with the disadvantage of high toxicity from the release of two hydrogen ions and a short half-life. It enters the body's own defense system against micro-organisms and metabolic, respiratory and/or dietary acids by causing the T-cells to release anti-oxidants in buffering the increased hydrogen ions.
Blood concentration Must be Kept Extremely Low
Hydrogen peroxide is a natural body product produced and released by lymphocytes and, for this reason, many feel unjustifiably that this indicates its use as a treatment. The facts are the body generates peroxide for highly specific purposes and in very small quantities. This substance, for example, is generated by T-cells for buffering increased acids from micro-organisms and is produced only when triggered to do so by the presence of these toxic acidic waste products. Almost all cells of the body generate peroxide, and unwanted byproducts, as a result of oxygen metabolism. An indication of just how unwanted is borne out by the biochemical mechanisms which universally present to buffer acids as soon as they are produced. Each and every red blood cell contains the bio-factor catalase, (the most efficient alkaline buffer known) to buffer and neutralize any acid as soon as it is created. It has been estimated that one molecule of catalase can decompose approximately 42,000 molecules of hydrogen peroxide in one second at zero degrees, in mammalian tissues. Other body cells contain not only catalase but glutathione to keep the concentration of peroxide at a concentration not greater than 10 -8 (0.00034%), an extremely low value.
Reduced Life Span
Research has shown a direct correlation between life span and the amount of catalase actually present to buffer the hydrogen ions in hydrogen peroxide. Subjects with less catalase and shorter life spans.
(1) The use of hydrogen peroxide in a research clinical environment with competent researchers who understand the dangers of peroxide is legitimate scientific inquiry. However, peroxide is counter indicated in patients who may have cancer, Epstein-Bar, atherosclerosis, diabetes, or in those who simply want to live longer because of the increased release of hydrogen ions which decreases the pH of the body tissues. This increase of acids from the release of hydrogen ions may cause a cancerous condition or make a cancerous condition worse. The use of hydrogen peroxide is not prudent and I am no longer recommending its use.
(2) Various stabilized chloride oxides release nascent oxygen, which among other things, oxidizes environmental chemicals, supports white blood cell activity in buffering metabolic, respiratory and/or dietary acids and is devastating to anaerobic mirco-organism, such as bacteria, yeast and mold, at levels which are completely non-toxic to the human, animal or plant body.
(3) Chloride oxides such as the product Prime pH or Activator releases alkaline buffers which help to maintain the alkaline design of the body by buffering the acids from the functions of the body.
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