Ten Good Reasons To Avoid Vaccination

Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here are the 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011, reported on NaturalNews.com:

#1 - Japanese children die from vaccines

Yet more evidence emerges of the deadly side effects of vaccines:

#2 - U.S. government recruits churches to push flu shots on congregation members

Take that flu shot, or you'll go to Hell! That's the new message the U.S. government is trying to pound into the heads of church pastors and priests:

#3 - Top CDC vaccine scientist indicted for fraud

You probably never read this story elsewhere, but one of the CDC's top researchers was indicted for allegedly stealing vaccine research money and using it to buy fancy vehicles and a luxury home:

#4 - IOM admits MMR vaccines cause seizures and measles

In a groundbreaking report, the Institute of Medicine openly admitted that vaccines actually cause the very measles they claim to prevent. The mainstream media, of course, misreported this research and utterly failed to cover the real story.

#5 - CDC openly admits flu vaccines don't work

Here's news you don't see every day: The CDC openly admits that vaccine flu shots "wear off," meaning they simply do not work in the way vaccine-pushing immunologists told us they did.

#6 - Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits vaccines contain cancer-causing viruses

The actual admission happened decades ago, but news of it only went viral in 2011 as alternative news websites like NaturalNews publicized the once-secret audio recordings revealing shocking admissions by Dr. Maurice Hilleman.

#7 - HPV vaccines found contaminated with HPV!

Pretty clever, huh? Just lace the HPV vaccines with the DNA of HPV itself, and you can spread the disease to create more fear that sells more vaccines!

#8 - Swine flu vaccine admittedly causes neurological disorders

2011 was the year that the nation of Finland openly admitted on the record that swine flu vaccines "conclusively" cause neurological disorders. It then offered to pay the lifetime medical costs of those damaged by such vaccines.

Remember, the USA continues to absurdly claim that vaccines cause NO damage (not to anyone) and are perfectly safe for infants, children and even pregnant women!

#9 - Science says flu vaccines only work on 1 out of 100

Now, even the scientists can't argue with their own science, can they? Rigorous studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals reveal that flu vaccines hardly work at all and are wasted on 98.5 out of 100 people who take them.

#10 - Hallmark caught distributing flu shot compliance cards to new moms

Yes, even the Hallmark card company is now pushing vaccines. Plotting alongside state agencies in Florida, Colorado and elsewhere, the company pushes out cutesy flu shot "compliance" cards that urge new moms to have their newborn babies injected with dozens of combination vaccines, complete with mercury and chemical adjuvants that cause neurological disorders.

More aboutTen Good Reasons To Avoid Vaccination

Dr Young Loves Apples!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Thursday, December 29, 2011

I love apples. I love their crunch. I love their texture. I love their sweet taste. And, I love apples because they are a whole raw organic food. My Mother put an apple in my lunch sack for school. I have only fond memories of apples.

What I do not love about apples is they cause the blood to hypercoagulate or stick together causing oxygen deprivation and circulation problems to the extremeties. The sugars in apples are in excess of their alkalizing minerals causing blood and tissue acidosis contributing to all sickness and disease. The sugars in apples will cause paralysis of the white blood cells for over five hours. The sugars in apples will cause a depressed person to become more depressed. An anemic person to become more anemic. A fat person to gain more weight. A thin person to lose more weight. A cancerous person to become more cancerous. A person with osteoarthritis or porosis to experience more pain and to lose more calcium ions into the blood to maintain the delicate alkaline pH of the blood plasma and other body fluids.

I rarely eat apples and only if I am seriously hungry and when there is nothing else to eat that is raw or natural.

All of my patients are taken off all sweet fruit, including apples.

Apples do not build stem cells and therfore do not build blood or tissues.

The old adage, 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' is a scientific myth. An apple a day keeps the doctor in buisness.

I am sure you are thinking that my statements are extreme. But I disagree! Cancer is extreme! Osteoporosis is extreme! Immune deficiencies are extremes! Diabetes is extreme!

All sugars are metabolic waste products! They are the exhaust from energy consumption. The body runs on electrons NOT sugar. The brain runs on electrons NOT sugar. It does not matter the source of sugar - all sugars are toxic just like cocaine is toxic. They both will make you high and they both will cause paralysis, sickness, disease and premature death.
More aboutDr Young Loves Apples!

Dr Robert O Young Around The World - Romania and Hungary

Posted by thomenda7xx on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

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Dr Robert O Young Press Releases Around The World!

Posted by thomenda7xx

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Dr Robert O Young Press Releases Around The World!

Posted by thomenda7xx

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The pH Miracle Books NOW in Romanian!

Posted by thomenda7xx

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Media Exposure for Dr Robert O Young

Posted by thomenda7xx

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Chronic Fatique Syndrome/ME/FM - A Call For Research To Find A Cure!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Scott Carlson, CFI Executive Director
Chronic Fatigue Initiative
New York City, New York

I was so pleased to read that the Hutchins Family Foundation has the interest and motivation to support research for CFID/ME/FM. It is a devastating illness.

I am writing to inquire with all seriousness to see if this Foundation can in any way support a research project based in the world of Alternative Medicine. I was diagnosed with CFIDS in 1987, though I was documented with malaise in 1985. My pursuit was directed into holistic approaches early on because there was nothing in the medical world available. I saw Scott M. Hammer, M.D. in late 1985 at the Deaconess Hospital in Boston, MA, for a second opinion.

My prognosis was not good. I was devastatingly ill at the age of 33, there was nothing that could be done and I was expected to “live”. I was forced by this condition to be virtually immobile 96% of the time for 5-7 years. My muscles atrophied to the point that my muscles could not hold my skeletal structure in place. I was plague with nearly 50 symptoms that waxed and waned leaving me praying to die. The pain that accompanied this condition was often times unbearable, I felt tortured by my own body. Over the years, I experienced improvements with several holistic/alternative practices.

In 2004/2005, I became aware of the research of Robert O. Young, PhD, DSc. of The pH Miracle Center in Valley Center, California. After attending a lecture he gave in March of 2005 at Harvard University, I was so convinced that he was credible and based his findings on solid science, that I began applying just the dietary changes he recommended and in about 1 year I experienced enough improvement that I liquidated some of my retirement account and flew to the ranch to study the science behind his research. I had to do this because I felt so fragile and I needed the understanding to help keep me focused with knowledge about how to create wellness in my body. The quality of my life has improved immensely. Since everything I have done is paid for out of pocket, I have reached the point where I do not feel I can complete my healing process due to finances.
I would love to collaborate in setting up a research project based on the research of Dr. Young to bring validation to what I have experienced, to complete my own healing and to hopefully bring relief to so many who have suffered for so long. I am trained as a Nutritional Microscopist by Dr. Young and feel that I could make a contribution to the CFIDS/ME/FM community that is worth funding. This collaborative would also need the expertise of other holistic practitioners.

I have no medical training. I have no training in research. However, I have 26 years experience living with CFIDS/ME/FM and finding my way back towards health. I do know the value of recording and documenting results. I have all my medical records since the onset of CFIDS/ME/FM on May 20, 1985.

I have a Double Major - BA in Mathematics and Secondary Education and a minor in Computer Sciences from my undergraduate studies.

CFS Central: The Chronic Fatigue Initiative website states, “CFI will offer grants to fund new research guided by five or six general hypotheses formed by a scientific advisory board of leading scientists and clinicians.”

I propose that CFI authorize a CFHI, Chronic Fatigue Holistic Initiative, division and collaborate with myself and Dr. Young to create a Scientific Advisory Board of Leading Alternative thinking scientists and clinicians. This would primarily be a non-pharmaceutical approach to healing CFIDS/ME/FM. This would be New Research.

Chronic Fatigue Initiative: …..“Through the CFI-sponsored research, we hope to clearly define the causes of the disease.” I believe that Dr. Young’s research can answer this question scientifically. I am living proof.

Certainly this effort would need to be in collaboration with Medical Doctors. Markers could be studied throughout the project, however traditional research would need not to drive the research. And due to the numerous health conditions that CFIDS/ME/FM hosts, monitoring of blood chemistry and any other needed patient specific monitoring and tracking would need to be in place.

I have prayed for this type of possibility to become available.

Dr. Young, www.phmiracleliving.com would need to be a primary consultant in this project. I would be happy to answer any of your questions that I am able to.

In conclusion, what I know to be true now that I have been able to read and absorb current CFIDS/ME/FM information is that my correct diagnosis should have been ME/CFIDS/FM with 50+ symptoms. I would appreciate a response that includes:

• How my request can become one of the five or six general hypotheses

• What information I would need to provide to satisfy the above request

• An openness from the Board to hear the science behind Dr. Young’s work

• Any other criteria that I would need to address

• What resources the Board would need to bring this request to fruition


Elizabeth C Potter (Libby Potter)

CC: Nancy Klimas, MD info@cfsclinic.com 1-305-595-4300
CC: Scott M. Hammer, MD smh48@columbia.edu 1-212-305-7185
CC: Robert O Young, PhD, DSc. phmiraclesecrets@aol.com 1-760-751-8321
More aboutChronic Fatique Syndrome/ME/FM - A Call For Research To Find A Cure!

From Dud to Stud!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, December 10, 2011

Rick Goode Testimonal

I wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for helping me achieve what I felt was impossible. I started a 12 week challenge to lose as much weight and gain as much muscle as possible. I started the challenge at 24% body fat and ended at 6.8%.

My success was directly linked to the mental preparedness that you helped me with. With your help, I was able to focus more clearly and have the discipline I needed to lose 31 pounds of fat and at the same time gain 11 pounds of muscle in just 90 days!

In addition, I was able to be injury free as a result of my inner mind warning me when I was on the verge of training too hard. My biggest challenge was eating right. As a result of the mental shift you helped me create; I now view food as a tool to help me accomplish my goals, not a relaxant after a stressful day.

Thanks for a great mental tune up. It worked!

Rick Goode Vancouver, WA

More aboutFrom Dud to Stud!

No More Ulcerated Colitis - Gone After Ten Years of Suffering!

Posted by thomenda7xx

The picture is of Scott William (34 years old) from Sydney, Australia and Dr Young. Scott was diagnosed with Ulcerated Colitis ten years ago. He has been in chronic pain for over ten years. Just two weeks ago the Doctors told him that his bowel condition was so dire that he needed to have his large bowel entirely removed and replaced with a coloscopy bag. He immediately decided to fly all the way from Australia to come to the pH Miracle Center at the Rancho del Sol as his last hope for a reversal of his condition. Within 3 days at the Ranch while living the pH Miracle Lifestyle he was completely out of pain. The best news of all - within 12 days NO MORE ulcerated colitis. The pictures behind us show the blood before with the polymerized proteins in the center of the blood layer indicating the ulcerated and inflammatory bowel and the after picture showing no more ulcers or inflammation. Scott is feeling fantastic and excercising everyday for 1 hour. He loves his new lifestyle and he is elated that he avoided a life altering surgery.
More aboutNo More Ulcerated Colitis - Gone After Ten Years of Suffering!

I Dropped Acid on Thanksgiving

Posted by thomenda7xx on Friday, November 25, 2011


The following are Holiday Season lifestyle and dietary conditions (called dis-eases by allopathic medicine) for which I have given new names:

1) "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a traveler during their more unusual or some what different from normal lifestyle than when they were not traveling. A typical traveler's day will upset one's normal metabolism and alkalizing digestive habits. They eat and drink different foods at different times and different volumes than usual, which creates an over-acidic state and a need for more alkaline buffers (bicarbonates likepHour salts) leading to indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, belching, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, dehydration and further problems of acidity, depending on the degree of irregularity. "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is commonly blamed by allopathic medical science on a particular site on the traveler's path as if he/she caught something. This current medical ideology is based on Pasteur's illusionary germ theory and is a scientific myth. The true cause of this condition is the result of the traveler's acidic lifestyle dietary choices and the lack of alkaline hydration, nutrition and hygiene that can result in this over-acidic condition. All the above symptoms is the body in preservation mode trying its best to re-establish the alkaline pH of the internal environment at 7.365 to 7.4.

2) Holiday Season - "I Ate and Drank Too Much 'Acid Food' Dis-Ease" is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during the Holiday season eating and drinking everything in site from "swine to wine." This over indulgence may cause belching and flatulence and eventual heart burn, acid reflux, nausea, constipation and even brain, breast, lung, liver and bowel parasites for which medical science will often prescribe the purple pill. This Holiday Season condition may then lead to the third Holiday Season consequence -

3) "Holiday Season Food Drunkedness" is a result of over-eating and over-drinking acidic foods and liquids and then falling into a drunken state on the sofa or bed for several hours or even days to sleep off all the excess acidity. Falling asleep after a heavy acidic Holiday meal is a common occurrence for acid over-eaters and acid drinkers.

4) "Holiday Season Influenza" (The Flu) is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during a so-called Holiday acid feast. A person will consume acidic foods and drinks that they may not know or know that are not healthy or alkalizing, i.e., more sugar or sugar substitutes than normal, alcohol, meats (especially the tape and fluke worm favorites such as pork, beef, turkey, chicken and fish (especially raw fish) and much of this at greater volumes than normal. This person becomes detrimentally influenced physically and emotionally by Holiday acidic foods and drinks. According to medical savants, "Holiday Season Influenza" is commonly blamed on a particular virus contracted from another person(s) and not from acidic lifestyle and dietary choices of that person. Like the acidic traveler, a person chooses to consume on their own as many acidic foods and drinks during the Holiday Season and as a result are suffering from the consequences of their poor dietary acidic choices -- this condition is not from some phantom (does not exist) flu virus! The flu is nothing more than the body increasing body temperature to improve circulation to remove excess acidity through perspiration, respiration, defecation and urination.

Also, please keep in mind it doesn't take either traveling or Holidays for someone to express the symptoms of "Traveler's Acidic Consequence,"and/or "I Ate and Drank Too Much 'Acid Food' Disease," and/or "Holiday Season Food Drunk," and/or "Holiday Season Influenza." All you need to do is consume excessive amounts of acidic meats (especially pork,turkey and chicken), chocolate, ice cream, cake, alcohol or other acidic mind boggling thrillers. Any of these four non-contagious lifestyle and dietary conditions can happen anytime during the year. But,the Holiday Season seems to be the time when most people over-indulge in highly acidic lifestyles and diets!

This coming Holiday Season may you resolve not to succumb to the acidic choices that lead to "Traveler's Acidic Consequence," or "I Ate and Drank Too Much 'Acid Food' Dis-ease," "Holiday Season Food Drunk" and/or"Holiday Season Influenza."

In love and healing alkaline light,

Dr. Robert O. Young

PS This year before sitting down to a highly acidic Holiday Season meal, watch the following youtube video. You cannot kill parasites with heat. All you can do is put them to sleep and risk them waking up inside your body. Also, watching this video might change your mind about eating that left-over Thanksgiving ham or even urine laced turkey. It is by no coincidence that turkey and chicken are referred to as "foul." Birds like turkey and chicken have no urinary tract system and are therefore more likely to adsorb their own urine into their tissues. But, that's what makes them so juicy.


PSS I hope we can all learn to take responsibility for our own lifestyle and dietary choices and the consequences we may experience rather then blaming it or transferring personal responsibility to a phantom or harmless virus - like the Swine Flu virus, Ebola virus, HIV virus, HPV virus, West Nile virus, Bird flu virus, Spanish Flu, N1H1, Turkey Flu, Pig Flu and the list goes on and on and on! So-called viruses DO NOT cause sickness or disease - our acidic lifestyle and diet choices do!

You do health by making healthy choices or you can do sickness and disease by making unhealthy lifestyle and dietary choices. Making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices the last 3 months of the year can take 10 yearsoff your life at age 40 and 20 years off your life at age 80.

You can live a healthy and fit life to 100 and beyond if you will make better alkaline lifestyle and dietary choices NOW!

PSSS To learn how to prevent (without an acidic dis-easecausing vaccine) "Holiday Season Influenza,"may I suggest watching the following DVD's or listening to the following CD's: The pH Miracle - Full version Shopping with Shelley 1 & 2, Back to the House of Health 2, The pH Miracle for Healthy Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Men and Women, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The Harvard Lecture, Younga Yoga Vol I and II, Cooking with Shelley and our latest book, The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.


PSSSS Check out our healthy Holiday Gift Packs and may I suggest the "Box" which includes a free 1 day Retreat at The Rancho del Sol:

www. phmiracle.com
More aboutI Dropped Acid on Thanksgiving

My Hope and Prayer This Thanksgiving and Holiday Season

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday we now find ourselves as a nation and as a planet, in quite a bit of political, economic, health and enviornmental disarray. We are all looking for ways to make ends meet and cut down on the stress in our lives. So I will address these issues.

My guess is that many of you feel some sort of concern about financial issues whether it is the daily budget, dwindling savings, credit card bills, money for college bills, mileage and gas prices for the aging family automobiles, and so on. Its the same at the Young homestead here at Rancho Del Sol. Every year I pray for more rain and try to figure out how to save money on the expensive California water we need for thousands of avocado and grapefruit trees. I am always trying to figure out where to save money so I can use that money to reach more people around the world with a pH Miracle message of health and well-being.

If you read my email letters on a regular basis, you will know that I am quite positive that following a healthy, organic, alkaline diet with many raw, green vegetables will save you money over time and best of all perserve you life from sickness and disease.

Whether you have 50 more years to live or 25, most medical expenses have traditionally occurred in the later years of life. And those expenses can be a thing of the past. Once your body is alkaline, and once you have rebuilt your blood with my C.O.W.S. program, and once the pH of your urine is around 7.4 on a consistent basis, you are well on your way to permanently increased health and vigor as well as great financial savings.

Remember, the #1 reason for bankruptcy in America for many years has been medical bills. That will not happen to you. I hear from people all the time that pretty much the only reason they visit the doctor anymore is to gloat a bit, to follow-up on some old ailment now in the rear-view mirror, to lecture the poor old besieged doc on the importance of nutrition in health, or to give him a copy of The pH Miracle book. By the way, if you write to me and tell me that you really did get your doctor to read The pH Miracle book that Shelley and I wrote, I'll send you a free copy to replace the one you gave to your physician. I will also be fascinated to hear your story. In fact, I may share it with everybody in one of these emails.

Many people who have been following a balanced pH 80/20 alkaline/acid diet for many years tell us about all the different ways they save money. Some people have replaced their health insurance with a combination of self-insurance, accident insurance, a hospital indemnity policy, and disability programs. Some people on Medicare have not purchased the supplemental insurance because they have not visited the former family physician for several years and are hoping not to for the rest of their lives. Besides, they tell me, they aren't likely to go the drug route anyway now that they know the cucumber and avocado route.

Many have told us that they have saved money because they no longer have doctor visits, co-pays, pharmaceutical drugs, deductibles, tests, clinic and lab fees, medical gadgets, lost time and sick days, and so on. Not to mention the increased energy, creativity, and productivity.

Now lets talk about emotional stress. About two years ago, I emailed you an article about Mother Theresa whose level of consciousness allowed her to function in love, joy, peace and enlightenment. Many of you said that you enjoyed that article. Such states of mind--whether they are linked to experiences that are primarily sensory, emotional, psychological, intellectual or spiritual--can only be accompanied by an absence of stress at the physiological or body level.

If you read my emails with any consistency, then you know that there is a solid scientific link between the mind and the body (especially the bowels), the psychosomatic or the "somatopsychic." It goes both ways. We started hearing the world psychosomatic at least 40 or 50 years ago. The mind can cause the body to suffer and the body (the bowels) can cause the mind to suffer. Therefore, it makes good sense to take care of both.

I have discussed from time to time the importance of minimizing emotional stress in our lives. When our minds are filled with thoughts and feelings that include the negative perceptions and experiences of fear, anger and sadness, we are vulnerable to the creation of excessive bodily acid. Toxic acids are actually secreted from various parts of the body directly into the bloodstream when we are in a negative emotional state.

On the other hand, leading a life that includes more experiences in what we might call the love zone can be a challenge. I forget who coined the word love zone, but this state of being includes feelings of affection, joy, compassion, empathy, kindness, happiness and bliss. But living in this zone--you may have noticed--is easier said than done. The world seems so often to pull mightily at the most vulnerable areas of our lives. Our preoccupation with the outer world and things over which we have no control can keep us from entering into those precious moments or hours in the stress-free love zone.

There is one thing in particular that we can do to help us frequent this zone as much as possible. And I will back into this concept with a little story which I enjoy. I call this the 1,000 avocados for God story. It goes like this:

A plantation owner, somewhat foolishly accustomed to bartering with God, prayed for a good harvest. He pleaded thusly: "Dear God, if You would please bring me a great avocado harvest, as a service I will give You 1,000 avocados from the harvest."God granted him a great harvest.

Thus, the plantation owner loaded up a thousand avocados in his wagon and had his foreman deliver them to the temple. Along the way, the foreman was pestered by two little beggar boys who pleaded for an avocado to ward off their hunger. "Shoo, shoo, go away," said the foreman, knowing that the plantation owner had loaded exactly 1,000 avocados.

The hungry little boys ran alongside the wagon and continued to beg. Finally, the hired hand relented and gave each of them an avocado. He thought to himself, who would count all these avocados and know that two are missing from a thousand?

But the plantation owner had warned the chief overseer of the temple to count the avocados to make sure that the foreman had not sold some along the way. He found out that two were missing and had been given to beggars and the plantation owner fired the foreman. That night the plantation owner had a dream. In his dream, God came to him and said, I have granted your prayer for a great harvest, but you have not kept your agreement.

The plantation owner pleaded his case, But God, I took the avocados to you just as I said. God replied, Well, I am sorry that you are in error my friend, because so far, I have received only two. I think you can see why I enjoy this story. And it has many implications far beyond the simple notion that Divine Providence and charity are related. In fact, we might say that Divine Providence resonates to charity.

There is a great deal of emerging evidence and a wonderful new area of study which says that there is a human field of energy which is very subtle, yet powerful, pervasive and immortal.

There is a field of energy which connects every one of us to every one of us. Some refer to this energy as levels of consciousness--and the study of this energy focuses especially on various states of higher consciousness.Regardless of our personal level of consciousness, we are not only connected to this field of energy, but we are influencing it just as it influences us in return. There is emerging evidence, both experiential and research, that says that as our level of consciousness rises, our body has an increasing ability or tendency to heal itself. There are increasing numbers of prayer studies that show that healing is affected by prayer.

In Dr. David Hawkins book, Power Vs. Force, he designates and describes our levels of consciousness from low to high levels. In the pathological area, he lists (low to high) shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, and false pride. The ascending corresponding emotions at those lower levels are humiliation, blame, despair, regret, anxiety, craving, hate, and scorn. As we pass from pathological states into higher states of health and well-being, Hawkins designates and defines (low to high) courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. The ascending corresponding emotions at these higher levels are affirmation, trust, optimism, forgiveness, understanding, reverence, serenity, bliss and ineffable.

By contemplating upon these two hierarchies of human levels of consciousness and corresponding emotions, you can easily see the beauty that unfolds as we achieve higher and higher levels of consciousness. Higher levels mean less stress, or course, which means less acid in your body. The simple question then becomes, what is it that I can do to help myself achieve an increasing degree of health, happiness and serenity in my own life? As I have written before, a healthy and peaceful lifestyle includes choosing an alkaline and nutritional diet, exercise, rest and relaxation, good company, doing work which we enjoy, body massage, meditation, sincere gratitude, a reverence for all life, and so on.

Some will argue that these conditions are difficult to achieve in a world of economic disarray.

Just viewing the problems of hunger and homelessness in the world is frightening. In America, we are told that more than a million people are now losing or have lost their homes due to mortgage default. And so, how can we ascend to levels of peace in such a world with so much apparent negativity? What else is it that we can do to ascend our own levels of consciousness and somehow feel a greater sense of love, the absence of fear, and more acceptance of so many people with whom we seem to have nothing in common, little understanding, a different set of values, and with whom we perceive ourselves to operate from a completely different belief system about the world?

How do we come to a sense of peace and diminish our reflexive stress--the same emotional stress that causes acidic reactions in our body--to the many seemingly unacceptable political, economic, unhappy human elements that surround us?

I believe that my science will soon confirm what some have known over the millennia. Virtually all Holy Scripture from all the major religions are in accordance with the idea that the highest devotion to God--man's greatest gift to the energy field of the world in which we are all encompassed--is SERVICE TO MANKIND. Research into higher consciousness tells us that the energy of loving service is recorded in the universe on into infinity.

Thus, this Thanksgiving Day and as Holidagy Season approaches in the problematic year of 2011 and 2012, one of the greatest stress-releasing gifts we can give to ourselves is to give the gift of service to others. And nothing fosters charitable feelings like charitable actions. Nothing fosters more the acceptance of other people than lending a helping hand. Nothing will bring forth the peace and wisdom that we need to create within ourselves more than providing service to the poor, the needy, the uneducated, the downtrodden, and the sick and afflicted.

Look for service projects in your area and take your family into the world to help others. And over time, nothing will help you to diminish the stress inside your own body more than helping to diminish the stress in those around us. What goes round comes round, and to whatever degree your load of avocados means abundant energy, creativity, intelligence, leadership, money, or time for everyone in the world, I know that you can figure out how to deliver more than two.

In Love and Thanksliving,

Dr. Robert O. Young
More aboutMy Hope and Prayer This Thanksgiving and Holiday Season

For All The Protein The Body Needs - Eat Organic Electron Rich Green Kale

Posted by thomenda7xx on Monday, October 31, 2011

Jill Ettinnger - Author



The only thing in life that is constant is change. We may resist it all we want, but time and its inevitable evolution of everything in its path is unaffected by our attempts to stop it. The resulting trajectory of humanity's nascent ascent appears to be positioning itself to sweep us into progressive new times, especially where our food choices are concerned, as nearly 7 billion people are now standing on the little scraps of land that we share with some 55 billion rather large animals raised for food each year. (As another famous saying goes: This town ain't big enough for the both of us.) So, beef (and all factory-farmed meat) may be going from rib-eye to relic as we transition to a more greener alkaline world… literally—as in leafy, green electron rich alkaline vegetables.

Environmentalists cite meat production as one of the biggest contributors to global acid warming, and the USDA's new food pyramid (MyPlate) suggests the healthiest choice is making vegetables and fruit the biggest part of every meal by reducing consumption of highly acidic constipating animal proteins. Kale is far more nutritious than other leafy greens, but these seven reasons why it is such an important futurefood may just surprise you.

1. Anti-acid and therefore Anti-inflammatory: Metabolic and dietary acids causes Inflammation leading to the number one cause of arthritis, heart disease and a number of autoimmune diseases, and is triggered by the consumption of highly acid animal products which release toxic chemicals of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, phosphuric acid and uric acid making us sick, tired and fat. Kale is an incredibly effective anti-acid anti-inflammatory food, potentially preventing and even reversing these illnesses.

2. Iron: Despite the myth that vegetarians are anemic, the number of non-vegetarians with iron-deficiencies is on the rise. Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef.

3. Calcium: Dairy and beef both contain calcium, but the U.S. still has some of the highest rates of bone loss and osteoporosis in the world. Why? Because dairy contains acids of lactose and lactice acid which strips calcium from the bones and magnesium from the muscles. Kale contains more calcium per calorie than milk (90 grams per serving) without the toxic acids and is also better absorbed by the body than dairy. Dairy and the acids lactose and lactic acid are the number one and number two acids that cause protstate, ovarian, uterine and breast cancers.

4. Fiber: Like protein, fiber is a macronutrient, which means we need it every day to adsorb and absorb metabolic and dietary acid. But many Americans don't eat nearly enough and the deficiency is linked to heart disease, digestive disorders and cancer. Protein-rich foods, like meat, contain little to no fiber and destroy the intestinal villi or root system of the body leading to the inability to manufacture stem cells and then new blood. One serving of kale not only contains 5 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber, but it also provides 2 grams of non-acidifying protein.

5. Omega fatty acids: Essential Omega fats play an important role in our health to help build the membranes of stem cells that make up all blood and body cells, unlike the saturated fats in meat which congest and gum up the crypts of the small intestines where stem cells are manufactures. A serving of kale contains 121 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and 92.4 mg of omega-6 fatty acids for helping to build the membranes of embryonic cells.

6. Immunity: Because meat is highly acidic this gives rise to the biological transformations of bacteria, yeast and mold which can be a serious risk to our health. Many of these come as a result of factory farm highly acidic meat, eggs and dairy products which contain millions of biological transformations of bacteria and yeast. Kale is an incredibly rich source of immune-boosting carotenoid and flavanoid antioxidants including vitamins A which help to buffer the toxic affects of metabolic and dietary acids.

7. Sustainable: Kale grows to maturity in 55 to 60 days versus a cow raised for beef for an average of 18-24 months. Kale can grow in most climates and is relatively easy and low impact to grow at home or on a farm. To raise one pound of beef requires 16 pounds of grain, 11 times as much fossil fuel and more than 2,400 gallons of water.

Chef Shelley has solved the problem by creating in her laboratory kitchen tasty healthful kale chips. To learn more about kale and Shelley's incredible tasty kale chips go to:


Kale Chips and Dehydrated Veggies

*pH Miracle Citrus Koko Nut Kale Chips and Organic Veggie pHlakes








More aboutFor All The Protein The Body Needs - Eat Organic Electron Rich Green Kale

The Dr Robert O Young Italiano New Biology/pH Miracle Tour Schedule

Posted by thomenda7xx on Saturday, October 29, 2011

The following is Dr. Robert O. Young's Italiano New Biology/pH Miracle Tour Conference schedule - The Science of the New Biology in Achieving Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health and Vitality with a pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet.

The science of The New Biology by Dr Robert O Young states that "Over- Acidification of the body (latent tissue acidosis) is the single underlying cause of ALL sickness and disease." Sickness and disease is not about the body cells or tissues or organs, its is ALL about the hydration and the quality of the fluids of the body that surround the cells that make up our tissues and organs. Simply put . . . the cell is only as healthy as the fluids it is bathed in. Viruses, bacteria, yeast and mold are not the cause of disease; they are the expression of tissue acidosis. Cells are not attacked by viruses, bacteria, yeast or mold; they become yeasty or moldy, ferment and break down because of their own unhealth acidic environment. The following schedule of Conferences will explore how you can reclaim the proper alkaline pH balance of your own environment and thereby ensure a natural improvement in your health and vitality by starting an alkaline lifestyle and diet. Dr. Young's foundational hypotheisis is that the human organism is alkaline by design and acidic by function.

Schedule of Conferences Throughout Italy October 30th through November 12th, 2011

October 30th, 2011
Location: Ti-sana - Via Parrocchiale, 2 (Ariate-Calco - Prov. di Lecco)
Sponsored by: Erica d'Angelo
Contact Number: 347/5014866
Conference Time: 16:00

October 31st, 2011
Location: Punto Sereno A.S.D. - Viale degli Alpini, 15 (Vigonza)
Sponsored by: Sicor - Moviment sereno - Association Vita Piu
Contact Number: 049/8097237 - 329/5912770
Conference Time: 21:00

November 2nd, 2011
Location: il Centro Olistico - via Ca' Blanca, 34 bis (Busto Arstizio)
Sponsored by: Meglioinsalute.com
Contact Number: 0331/622170 - info@ilcentrolistico.com
Conference Time: 20:30

November 3rd, 2011
Location: CNR - Via Pierro Gobetti, 101 - Aula 216 (Area della ricerca, Bologna)
Sponsored by: Lipinutragen - IMO - Meglioinsulute.com - Laboratorio Analisi Balsambro - Royal Green
Contact Number: 051/6398298 - 051/240218
Conference Time: 20:30

November 4th, 2011
Location: Paduca Universita - departimento di Chimica Biologica
Sponsored by: Professor Fabio Vianello
Contact Number: 02/45076876
Conference Time: 20:30

November 4th, 2011
Location: Centro Asiagem di Rimini - via Marecchiese, 41 (Rimini)
Sponsored by: BIS/Macro - Asiagem
Contact Number: 366/1680617 - 0547/347633
Conference Time: 14:00

November 5th, 2011
Location: Victo ia Residence Palace - Via Rossetti, 24 (Latina)
Sponsored by: Agrilatina - Papero Verde - Mosaico della Vita
Contact Number: 348/9164051 - 393/3329700
Conference Time: 16:30

November 6th, 2011
Location: Hotel Tiberio - Via Lattanzio, 51 (Roma)
Sponsored by: NBBF
Contact Number: 06/97840043
Conference Time: 10:00

November 6th, 2011
Location: Casa del'Aviatore - Viale del'Universita, 20 (Roma)
Sponsored by: Raffasia Rosa, freebioenergy it, Ass. European Consumers
Contact Number: 327/0497859
Conference Time: 16:30

November 7th, 2011
Location: Agriturisamo tonuta di Fassia - Loc S.M. Maddalana, 46 (Gubbio)
Sponsored by: Pero Senatore Musini - Roberta Caspani
Contact Number: 348/7424289 - 075/9279275
Conference Time: 16:00

November 8th, 2011
Location: Park Hotel Villa Cesi - Via delle Terre Bianche, 1 (Impruneta)
Sponsored by: Meglioinsalute.com e NA ME.
Contact Number: 02/450768767
Conference Time: 20:30

November 9th, 2011
Location: Istituto Superiore di Sonita - Viale Regina Elena, 299 (Roma)
Sponsored by: Dr. Stefano Fais
Contact Number: 06/49903195
Conference Time: 12:00

November 10th, 2011
Location: Via Nazionale dei Trulli (Fasano)
Sponsored by: Liouis de Fasano, Ostuni, Marina Franca
Contact Number: 380/4308741
Conference Time: 17:30

November 11th, 2011
Location: Universita di Bail - Aula 1 - Departimento di chinica (Campus Universitario)
Sponsored by: Ecobiotecnica
Contact Number: 380/5822587
Conference Time: 17:00

November 12th, 2011
Location: Una Hotel Regina - Strada Provinciale 57 Torre a Mare (Bari)
Sponsored by: Asiagem
Contact Number: 0833/861070
Conference Time: 17:00

The public is welcome at any Dr. Young Events as scheduled above. Please contact the above sponosr references to register for each event.

More aboutThe Dr Robert O Young Italiano New Biology/pH Miracle Tour Schedule

More Evidence That Cell Phone Use Is Harmful

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More Evidence That Cell Phone Use Is Bad for You

If health damage associated with mobile phones is in the news again, it is not because of the electromagnetic waves that allegedly attack the brain. But new research suggests excessive use of mobile phones can hinder sleep, trigger fatigue and stress and cause mental problems like depression and lack of concentration. At the recent annual meeting of the U.S. Associated Professional Sleep Societies (APSS), Dr. Gaby Badre from Sahlgren's Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden said teenagers who use their phones excessively are more prone to stress and fatigue. The study focused on 21 healthy people between 14 and 20 years of age with regular work or study hours and without sleep problems. The subjects were divided into two groups. Compared to the control group, who made less than five calls and/or sent five text messages a day, the experimental group made more than 15 calls and/or sent 15 text messages a day. And the latter suffered from increased restlessness, had more careless lifestyles, consumed more stimulating beverages, and reported difficulty falling asleep, disrupted sleep, and more susceptibility to stress and fatigue. Only one-third of them ate breakfast, compared with most in the control group.

The correlation between phone use and mental state was shown by a study published in the Korean Journal of Epidemiology in 2005 and conducted by a team led by Prof. Kim Dong-hyun, of the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at Hallym University's College of Medicine. The team studied 501 high school students in four groups according to their cell phone use. Those who used them the least scored below 35 points on depression, while those who used the most scored above 51. The latter group also scored over 61 in terms of impulsive behavior. "We can't generalize that cell phone use causes depression or impulsive behavior, but at least we proved there's a connection," Kim said. Han Doug-hyun, a professor of neuropsychiatry at Chung-Ang University Medical Center, says a brain wave scan of children with high mobile use showed a similar sleep cycle pattern to that of a depression patient. Conversely, depressive and impulsive children tended to rely more on mobile phones. Then how much is too much? Mobile addiction is a novel concept compared to drug or Internet addictions. But experts say those who are at risk to becoming an addict are nervous without a phone, always tinker with it and are at ease only after making a call or texting someone. Doctors also note that texting can be more harmful than phone calls to mental health and sleep levels. Prof. Ha ji-hyun, of the Department of Psychiatry at Konkuk University Medical Center says, "A call is simultaneous communication, but an SMS is not. You can get nervous while waiting for the response." Texting at night, itself a stimulus, seems inimical to sleep. Prof. Hong Seung-chul of the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Catholic University of Korea's St. Vincent's Hospital, cites a survey saying sound and light from an incoming text message disturbs sleep as it suppresses the hormone melatonin. It can wake up the person or prevent a sound sleep.

englishnews@chosun.com / Jul. 28, 2008 10:40 KST

More aboutMore Evidence That Cell Phone Use Is Harmful

The Horrific Truth Behind the Egg Industry

Posted by thomenda7xx on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hens spend their entire lives in cages, where they can't even move. They suffer from depression, like any other living being whose liberty was taken away. In order to reduce injuries resulting from excessive pecking — an aberrant behavior that occurs when the confined hens are under stress or frustrated — practically all laying hens have part of their beaks cut off. Debeaking is a painful procedure that involves cutting through bone, cartilage, and soft tissue.

Baby male chicks, who are of no economic value to the egg industry, are simply tossed into a dumpster with shells and other waste. They either get ground up alive, or they are just tossed into plastic bags with hundreds of others, and left to suffocate.




The Egg Industry - It hides some of the most horrifying acts of extreme cruelty on Earth!

Those poor defenseless living beings just live to endure extreme horrific torture and die a horribly painful death! For what? Just to satisfy a human's "desire"? "A common method used to dispose of unwanted male chicks is grinding them up alive. This method can result in unspeakable horrors as a research scientist described, “Even after twenty seconds, there were only partly damaged animals with whole skulls.” In other words, fully conscious chicks were partially ground up. Eyewitness accounts at commercial hatcheries indicate similar horrors with chicks being slowly dismembered on augers carrying them towards a trash bin or manure spreader."

"A US animal rights group has released a video showing unwanted chicks being tossed alive into a grinder at an Iowa plant and accused egg hatcheries of being "perhaps the cruellest industry" in the world. The undercover video was shot by Chicago-based Mercy for Animals at a hatchery in Spencer, Iowa, over a two-week period in May and June. The video was first obtained yesterday by The Associated Press. "We have to ask ourselves if these were puppies and kittens being dropped into grinders, would we find that acceptable?" asked Nathan Runkle, the group's executive director, at a news conference in Des Moines. "I don't think that most people would." The group said that tossing male chicks, which have little value because they can't lay eggs or be raised quickly enough to be profitable for meat, into grinders is common industry practice. United Egg Producers, a trade group for US egg farmers, confirmed that. The hatchery is owned by West Des Moines-based Hy-Line North America and is one of many operations in Iowa, the nation's leading egg producer. The video, shot with a hidden camera and microphone by a Mercy for Animals employee who got a job at the plant, shows a Hy-Line worker sorting through a conveyor belt of chirping chicks, flipping some of them into a chute like a poker dealer flips cards.

These chicks, which a narrator says are males, are then shown being dropped alive into a grinding machine. In other parts of the video, a chick is shown dying on the factory floor amid a heap of egg shells after falling through a sorting machine. Another chick, also still alive, is seen lying on the floor after getting scalded by a wash cycle, according to the video narrator. Hy-Line said the video "appears to show an inappropriate action and violation of our animal welfare policies," referring to chicks on the factory floor. But the company also noted that "instantaneous euthanasia" - a reference to killing of male chicks by the grinder - is a standard practice supported by the animal veterinary and scientific community. Company spokesman Tom Jorgensen said Tuesday an investigation was continuing, and once it's completed the company would release more information. Runkle acknowledged that his group's ultimate goal was to get people to stop eating eggs. He said he believe many would refuse to eat eggs if they knew what happened to male chicks. "The egg industry is perhaps the cruellest industry on the face of the planet," Runkle said. Mercy for Animals also sent letters to the nation's 50 largest grocery store chains, including Walmart, Whole Foods, Safeway, Harris Teeter and Trader Joe's, asking them to include a label on egg cartons that says, "Warning: Male chicks are ground-up alive by the egg industry."

A spokesman for United Egg Producers called the proposal "almost a joke." The egg producers spokesman, Mitch Head, said Mercy for Animals had no credibility and questionable motives because "this is a group which espouses no egg consumption by anyone - so that is clearly their motive." Mercy for Animals estimated 200 million male chicks are killed a year, which the United Egg Producers also confirmed. "There is, unfortunately, no way to breed eggs that only produce female hens," Head said. "If someone has a need for 200 million male chicks, we're happy to provide them to anyone who wants them. But we can find no market, no need." Using a grinder, Head said, "is the most instantaneous way to euthanise chicks."

There is no federal law that ensures the humane euthanasia of animals on farms or hatcheries, according to Jonathan Lovvorn, vice president and chief counsel of the Humane Society of the United States. The Humane Society also says that virtually all egg farms, even those that sell cage-free eggs, get their hens from hatcheries that kill their male chicks. Hy-Line says on its website that its Iowa facility produces 33.4 million chicks. Based on that figure, Mercy for Animals estimates a similar number of male chicks are killed at the facility each year. Hy-Line did not comment on that estimate." Solution: GO VEGAN!

I do NOT own the copyright for these photos. The copyright belongs to their respective owner. I uploaded them for educational purposes only. ~ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED! ~
More aboutThe Horrific Truth Behind the Egg Industry

My Top 38 Ways To Prevent and Reverse A Cancerous Condition

Posted by thomenda7xx on Sunday, October 16, 2011

In a scandal that has reverberated around the world of cancer research, the Office of Research Integrity at the U.S. Department of Health found that a Boston University cancer scientist fabricated his findings. His work was published in two journals in 2009, and he’s been ordered to retract them. But important studies by other scientists like those at the Mayo Clinic, who based their work on his findings, could now make 10 years of their studies worthless, according to commentary in Gaia Health.

It seems fairly evident that the cancer industrial complex is a highly lucrative, well-oiled system that tends to support funding for expensive drug treatments that don't address the cause of the problem, and have yet to make a significant dent in the decrease of the overall cancer rate in the US despite investing hundreds of billions of dollars. Much of the support comes from flawed and biased "research" studies that support the use of expensive drugs as detailed in the featured articles.

Researchers, too, are well aware of the notoriety and money to be found in cancer research … particularly what may be deemed successful cancer research (which unfortunately is often measured by the discovery of new drug treatments). But, as with many areas of medical research, it's important to read between the lines of "scientifically proven" studies, even those that are well accepted.
Often what you'll find is the research gives the perception of science when really it is a heavily manipulated process designed to control and deceive. Case in point, here again we have an example of widely accepted, published research that turned out to be fabricated.

10 Years of Cancer Research Down the Drain

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) at the U.S. Department of Health reported in August 2011 that final action has been taken against Sheng Wang, PhD, of Boston University School of Medicine, Cancer Research Center. ORI states:
"The Respondent engaged in research misconduct by fabricating data that were included in two (2) published papers."
This includes:
  • Oncogene February 2009, which found that HIC1, a protein thought to suppress tumor growth, is a "central molecule in a novel mechanism controlling cell growth and that the disruption of this HIC1-mediated pathway may lead to abnormal cell proliferation and, ultimately, cancer."
  • Molecular Endocrinology December 2009, which found "reintroducing HIC1 into resistant breast cancer cells restored their sensitivity to the estrogen antagonists, indicating the existence of a novel regulatory mechanism for growth control of breast cancer cells."
Specifically, six of the eight figures in the Oncogene paper and six of the seven figures in the Molecular Endocrinology study were said to contain data from fabricated experiments. Though Wang is now required to retract the papers, and he reportedly stopped working for Boston University in July, he will only be ineligible for federal funding for 2 years.

Further, the fabricated research may continue to live on, as it has been cited by other studies and once a finding is accepted in the medical community, it's very hard to make it go away. Unfortunately, scientific retractions are actually becoming increasingly common.
"Just 22 retraction notices appeared in 2001, but 139 in 2006 and 339 last year. Through seven months of this year, there have been 210, according to Thomson Reuters Web of Science, an index of 11,600 peer-reviewed journals world-wide …
At the Mayo Clinic, a decade of cancer research, partly taxpayer-funded, went down the drain when the prestigious Minnesota institution concluded that intriguing data about harnessing the immune system to fight cancer had been fabricated. Seventeen scholarly papers published in nine research journals had to be retracted. A researcher, who protests his innocence, was fired. In another major flameout, 18 research journals have said they are planning to retract a total of 89 published studies by a German anesthesiologist …"

Fabricated Research is More Common Than You Might Think

Peer-reviewed research published in medical journals gets the golden star of approval in the media, yet many, if not most, of the findings are incredibly misleading. One of the best exposé's into this muddled system came from none other than Dr. Marcia Angell, who was the former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
In her book The Truth about Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, she exposed many examples of why medical studies often cannot be trusted, and said flat out:
"Trials can be rigged in a dozen ways, and it happens all the time."
For instance, in 2009 Dr. Scott Reuben, who was a well-respected, prominent anesthesiologist, former chief of acute pain of the Baystate Medical Center, Springfield, Mass. and a former professor at Tufts University's medical school, allegedly fabricated the data for 21 studies!

Dr. Reuben succeeded in getting numerous studies published, and those studies were accepted as fact and swayed the prescribing habits of doctors. It was only due to a routine audit raising a few red flags that a larger investigation was later launched.
So how did those false studies, or any studies for that matter, become worthy of being published? Part of the problem may be the peer-review process itself, as this puts researchers in charge of policing other researchers' results, and most do not want to insult a fellow researcher's work with negative comments.
As written in Gaia Health:
"It's all about money. Get published in a major medical journal and your future is made. Most peer reviewers are doing their own studies. That's what makes them peers. They want to be able to publish. Therefore, they are not particularly inclined to make more than perfunctory negative comments. Obviously, they don't want to alienate the authors of papers, since they either are or hope to become published themselves.
Peer review is a farce. The only kind of review that makes real sense is professional independent reviewers. Yet, for decades we've had peer review trotted out as the be-all and end-all in determining the legitimacy of papers. It's been unquestioned, while a little examination of the concept demonstrates that it's nearly certain to result in fraudulent work being passed as good science."
It's almost impossible to find out what happens in the vetting process, as peer reviewers are unpaid, anonymous and unaccountable. And although the system is based on the best of intentions, it lacks consistent standards and the expertise of the reviewers can vary widely from journal to journal.
Given that cancer research is such a lucrative business right now -- the National Cancer Institute, which gave the grant money to support Dr. Sheng Wang's fabricated research, had a $5.1 billion budget for fiscal year 2010 -- the stakes are exceptionally high. So it stands to reason that it may be subject to even more fraud and manipulation than less lucrative research prospects.

As The Economist reported, there were more new cancer drugs in development in 2010 than any other therapeutic area. Drug makers are well aware that a blockbuster cancer drug could easily earn them profits in the billions, even if the drug is only borderline effective. It is abundantly clear that profit is a primary motive of these companies so it should not be a surprise that they have moved in this direction, and this is where the abundance of research is focused as well.

Why You Might Want to Think Twice Before Donating to Anti-Cancer Charities

A lot of people put their faith in charity organizations like the American Cancer Society (ACS), dutifully donating money to help in the "war on cancer." But in the report titled American Cancer Society—More Interested In Accumulating Wealth Than Saving Lives, Dr. Samuel S. Epstein, chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition, plainly lays to bare the many conflicts of interest that hamper the effectiveness of this organization.

For example, the ACS has close financial ties to both makers of mammography equipment and cancer drugs. But that's just for starters. Other conflicts of interest include ties to, and financial support from, the pesticide-, petrochemical-, biotech-, cosmetics-, and junk food industries—the very industries whose products are the primarycontributors to cancer!

The ACS, along with the National Cancer Institute, virtually exclusively focus on cancer research and the diagnosis and chemical treatment of cancer. Preventive strategies, such as avoiding chemical exposures, receive virtually no consideration at all.
"Giant corporations, which profited handsomely while they polluted air, water, the workplace, and food with a wide range of carcinogens, remain greatly comforted by the silence of the ACS. This silence reflected a complex of mindsets fixated on diagnosis, treatment, and basic genetic research, together with ignorance, indifference, and even hostility to prevention. Not surprisingly, the incidence of cancer over past decades has escalated, approximately parallel to its increased funding," Dr. Epstein writes.
Many also do not realize that when you donate money to the American Cancer Society, the majority of it may never go further than the bank accounts of its numerous well-paid executives.
Meanwhile, global cancer rates have doubled in the last three decades, and their "war on cancer" strategy completely ignores, and oftentimes denies, the obvious links between cancer and toxic exposures through pesticide-laden foods, toxic personal care products, cancer-causing medical treatments and drugs, and industrial pollution. We CAN turn this trend around, but to do so the medical and research communities must stop focusing on drug treatments and overlooking the methods that can actually have a significant impact on preventing this disease.

My top 38 Ways To prevent or reverse ANY and ALL acidic cancerous conditions

1) Exercise, stretch and sweat for 1 hour every day. Sweating is the key to healthfyl exercising. When you sweat you are removing dietary and metabolic acids from the tissues that causes a cancerous condition.


2) Watch your acidic weight with an alkaline lifestyle and diet as outlined in our new book The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.

Read the pH Miracle books: The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss.

3) Don't smoke cigarettes, cigars or chew tobacco. It is laced with sugar and other chemicals that are cancerous causing!

4) Eliminate all animal protein, dairy, sweet fruit, processed sugar and all acidic grains, especially rice.

5) Eat foods that are high in fiber. Fiber will absorb dietary and metabolic acids.

6) Drink 5 to 6 liters of alkaline green water with a pH of at least 9.5 and an ORP or electrical potential of -150 mV.


7) Drink chlorophyll rich green drinks every day. You can add the green pH Miracle powder or liquid chlorophyll to your alkaline electron rich water.


8) Drink 3 to 4 ounces or 100 ml of cold-pressed poly-unsaturated oil daily like avocado oil, olive oil, hemp oil and flax oil.


9) Ingest 10 to 12 grams of sea salt every day.


10) Take antioxidant nutritional supplements every day, including Glutathione, N-acetyl-cystein, R-dehyro-lipoic, CO-Q-10, magnesium and Zinc.


11) Take the four alkaline salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium carbonate and bicarbonate called pHour salts whenever you urine and/or saliva pH is below 7.2.


12) Get 30 minutes of sunshine and take 50,000 IU's of Vitamin D every day.


13) Cleanse the bowels daily with magnesium oxide, magnesium carbonate, fiber and colonics.


14) Take 1 scoop twice a day of L-arginine Plus to improve circulation and heart strength.


15) Take 4 capsules of Lung Support 3 to 4 times a day.

16) Take 1 capsule 3 times a day of Vitamin K.

17) Eat 1 to 2 avocados daily, hemp protien and organic sprouted soy for increased healthy oils and pHytonutrients to buffer the acids that cause cancer.


18) Eat fresh sprouts every day including brocolli sprouts, soy sprouts, mung bean sprouts, etc.

19) Eliminate ALL forms of sugar out of the diet, including honey, maple syrup and stevia.

20) Eliminate ALL soda, coffee, tea (including green tea), sport drinks, exotic fruit drinks, and energy drinks.

21) Eliminate All alcohol.

22) Eliminate ALL corn products out of the diet.

23) Eliminate ALL peanut oil or peanuts from the diet.

24) Eliminate ALL fermented foods including soy sauce and Braggs Amino Acids.

25) Eliminate ALL mushrooms or yeast from the diet, even so-called nutritional yeast.

26) Eliminate ALL foods that contain vinegar.

27) Eliminate ALL forms of chocolate.

28) Eliminate ALL mercury fillings.

29) Do daily stretching, breathing and isotonic exercising with Kundalini Yoga.


30) Daily deep breathing exercise, such as the "Breath of Fire" is very good for circulation.

31) Make love, smile and give lots of hugs. Remember, if you don't use it you lose it. :))

32) Have a lymphatic drainage massage every day .


33) Dp Whole body vibrational exercising every day for 10 minutes twice a day or jump on a mini trompoline for 15 minutes twice a day.


34) Live in the present and eliminate all emotional stress in your life.

Read Dr. Young's article on Young Living and Young Love:

35) Read good alkalizing books, watch alkalizing videos and listen to alkalizing CD's.


36) Listen to alkalizing melodic music daily.

37) Laugh every day for no reason.

38) Pray and meditate daily.
More aboutMy Top 38 Ways To Prevent and Reverse A Cancerous Condition