Announcing The pH Miracle Cleanse

Posted by thomenda7xx on Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Friends and Family,

We couldn’t wait to reach out to you with some outstanding news. Our dream becomes reality!

Over the past couple months we have teamed up with a good friend Kristofer Bullock, and Dr. Robert O Young, author of The pH Miracle book series. Our mission and vision has been in alignment with Dr. Young and Shelley since 1998, when we first met. Healing and educating our Alkalizing community is what gets us up early and keeps us up late; it’s our passion. We have listened to your requests and have feverishly been working with the pH Miracle team on creating a guided cleanse and detoxification program. We are excited to say that pH Miracle Cleanse is ready to launch. Our first guided cleanse and live interactive webinar series is scheduled for Feb 1-13. We’re currently accepting registrations! Please share this information with anyone you feel might benefit! Dr.Young will also be sending out an e-mail to the community.

To learn more about it, visit our website

Imagine, for one hour each night, being guided through a 10 day “Liquid Feast”. You will learn from world renowned speakers such as Dr. Robert O Young and Shelley Young, John Maguire, Gary King, Mark Lamm, and Debbie Battersby on the topics of health, emotions, relationships, finance and spirituality. We are happy to introduce this 21st Century technology to you, all from the comfort of your home or office! We know this is the most effective way to bring to the community profound information and resources in the areas of health and harmonized living.
If you feel you need more personalized coaching in addition to the guided cleanse, please feel free to call us at 858-794-4688.

We hope and pray that all of you are well and that all your visions for 2010 become reality.
P.S. Remember to check out the “affiliate corner” towards the bottom right column of the pH Miracle Cleanse website.

Yours In Energetic pHashion, Glenn Stone
Lori Stone
pH Miracle Cleanse
(858) 794-4688
PO Box 910028
San Diego, CA 92191

"Be good to yourself. If you don’t take care of your body, where will you live?”---Kobi Yamada
More aboutAnnouncing The pH Miracle Cleanse

The Truth About Heart Disease and Strokes

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Everything you've been told about cholesterol and heart disease is wrong, Wrong, WRONG!
I know that sounds hard to believe, but it's true!

Most people are convinced that heart disease and stroke result from a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fats. This notion is based on the flawed idea that cholesterol is the cause of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

But the truth is, cholesterol, even the so-called bad cholesterol protects you from having a heart attack or stroke. And we've known this for decades! The true cause of a heart attack or stroke comes from excess metabolic and dietary acids that are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination – respiration, defecation, urination and finally perspiration. The body protects you from a heart attack or stroke by binding-up dietary, metabolic and/or environmental acids with cholesterol. Bottom-line cholesterol is saving your life! You are at a greater risk for a heart attack or stroke with low cholesterol then with higher cholesterol if you are on an acidic lifestyle and diet. Why? Once again cholesterol does not cause heart attacks or strokes – metabolic and dietary acid causes heart attacks and strokes.

When President Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower had his first heart attack, his cholesterol level was 164 mg/dl — a level considered "perfect" by today's standards.

What's more, Ike had his cholesterol measured 10 times a year. He eliminated all saturated fats and ate supposed "heart-healthy" foods, such as corn oil. He did everything his cardiologists asked of him — and yet he suffered a number of new heart attacks and later died of an acidic heart condition.

What was true of Ike has been true of the general population as well. Americans have been eating a so-called acidic "heart-healthy" diet for more than 40 years now, and yet we've seen no reduction in heart dis-ease, stroke, or atherosclerosis. In fact, heart dis-ease is worse today than it was 50 years ago!

The U.S. government's ACIDIC dietary recommendations have killed more Americans than both world wars!

People find it difficult to believe that everything they have been told about cholesterol could be wrong. They especially have difficulty believing that their own doctors could be so wrong.
After all, these doctors went to medical school . . . and they use a lot of fancy medical jargon. That's proof that they must know what they are talking about.

The fact is that over 50% of what doctors learn in medical school is either wrong or out dated when they graduate.

When you began to examine the scientific evidence from my research and others in greater detail you discover that most doctors have been misled and merely parroting a so-called out-dated lie that was not true.

After years of research I have discovered that cholesterol is NOT a cause of heart disease and stroke but a preventative substance created by the body to prevent heart disease and/or stroke. Bottom line cholesterol is saving your life from excess acidity. . . but also that the so-called "heart-healthy" diets are highly acidic that have been pushed on Americans for four decades is behind the cancer epidemic we've seen.

In fact, the U.S. government's acidic dietary recommendations probably have killed more Americans than both world wars! That's because the foods and liquids that the government has been recommending are like powerful "acids" that spoil body cells leading to tissue acidosis or a cancerous condition.

A report from the Framingham Heart Study, reported in the prestigious journal The Lancet, found that men with cholesterol below 190 mg/dl — considered "healthy" for their hearts — had TRIPLE the risk of developing colon cancer when compared to men with levels greater than 220 mg/dl.

As for the risk of heart attack from the higher cholesterol, there was NO DIFFERENCE between the men with levels at 180 mg/dl and those with cholesterol greater than 250 mg/dl.
The problem is, most doctorsdon't have time to keep up with the latest scientific research and most of the conclusions are wrong!

Every year, our government and a number of private institutions spend billions of dollars on research, yet a great deal of this research goes unread and is wrong.

Worse, the information gleaned often never is used in treating and preventing human disease.
Most doctors never read more than a few articles in popular medical journals, and they almost never read studies of basic science. This is why they think so-called alternative treatments do not work.

But the truth is, Dr. Robert O. Young’s "alternative" alkalizing treatments will become tomorrow's standard of treatment.

One example: For decades, so-called alternative and nutritionally-oriented physicians have advocated the omega-3 (fish, flax and hemp) oils as a proven preventive for cardiovascular disease, and as a vital component for neurological development in the young.

Yet for years many doctors dismissed such recommendations — and mainstream medical journals went out of their way to attack believers in fish/flax/hemp oil supplements as misguided. (Now, of course, they all sing its praises as a preventive . . . yet it started out as an "alternative" treatment.)

Now Dr. Young, through his years of research has found that omega-3 oils help to buffer toxic acids from diet and metabolism that cause heart disease, stroke and cancer.

To learn more about the prevention of acids that lead to ALL sickness and dis-ease, including heart disease, stroke and cancer using omega 3 oils read The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and The pH Miracle for Cancer.
More aboutThe Truth About Heart Disease and Strokes

Seek And You Will Find The Cure For Cancer

Posted by thomenda7xx on Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Life is a journey and now I'm going to tell about my own journey and why it led me to the pH Miracle

I was raised in the countryside where I learned to know what is right and wrong by experiencing and evaluating. I became an indivual with a common sense.

I was interested in nature and it gave me everything I needed (and still does). That's why I studied biology and chamisty at the University. By coincidence I hung into pharmaceutical industry without any earlier experience/understanding about it. I have now been working there for 25 years with 23 years in oncology (cancer care) therapy area. The latest years with opinion leaders mainly.

During these years I learned a lot about cancer and met both patients (patient organizations) and doctors. In the congresses I was wondering why numbers and statistics pay such a big role. Etiology of cancer was described in a way I couldn't accept. When I discussed this with doctors they told me that it doesn't indicate an individual patient but is true on a population level. However many patients felt quilty and claimed themselves. Connection between body-mind-spirit was not presented because in medicine (and all natural sciences) everything has to measured before you can believe on it.

In clinical trials, treatment quidelines and even in golden stantards there is a hypothesis (set years ago) where diagnosis, prognosis and treatments accordly are based on and nobody ever critizises it. The hypothesis gets variations according to the treatment/drug which is in case.

Big Pharma is finanzing most of the clinical trials and cancer care is the fastest growing business segment of all therapy areas. Signal transduction, viral vaccinations in cancer etc., new molecules are worth tens of thousands per month. Imaging technique finds the smallest lesions and the cure is more aggressive and lasts longer. Both older and newer treatment protocols have side-effects and a variation of medication is needed to avoid those.

The following is how I got personally involved into cancer and had to re-evaluate my values.

My own experience about the cancer is strong – I was devastated as I thought that I'll never get cancer because I'm so healthy.. However I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and had surgery (local resection; lumpectomy) and radiotherapy. Within the first year there wasn't a day when I didn't think about my cancer.

A couple of years later I lost my voice. Diagnosis was Dysphonia Spasmoides (SD), the most severe voice disorder.. I was offered Botox to my vocal cords, I didn't accept it after having red Cochrane Library -results about Botox and it's efficacy in treating SD. This was the first time my eyes were clearly opened. Why were doctors are offering Botox in the whole world without being able to show clear evidence.

I analyzed my way of living and came to the conclusion that breathing is my problem and it causes my SD plus emotional stress, inbalance in general.

I travelled to Tampa to a voice rehabilitation course and learned that breathing is very sensitive when a person is facing a crisis. Keeping breath to stop more worries to come. And like Pavlov's dog you learn in which situations this is needed and soon it becomes a habit.

Body-mind-spirit arouse as a key to my life in theory but not in practise. That's why...

After being disease-free for six years from breast cancer an inner voice (unconsciusness) said: go to MRI. And so the recurrence of my breast cancer was found as two metastases in the same breast area. I understood that now it is not curable any more. I was offered chemotherapy and endocrine therapy for the rest of my life after that. I started chemo as I had learned that it is necessary in these advanced cases.

This period of time was a real chaos. I was reading scientific articles about my prognosis and this knowledge nearly killed me. I told my family members and friends that I wont' live so long.

At the same time I got some strange strength to change my attitude. I was reading a lot and found out that the biggest wisdom is lying just in the crisis. I learned that the universe leads us and we have to follow whatsoever happens.

My affirmation at that time (and still is) was:

In each moment and everywhere I have everything I need. I'm in the right place of my life doing the work, which I like most. I can use all my talents and use them right. On everything I do God is guiding me and giving inspiration. I think, speak and act as is right. I enjoy my life and make other people enjoy their lives. I am creative and active, looking for the data and seeking the truth.

I used chemo for one cycle and was gathering information on other options. Found out that chemo in itself causes asidosis and oxidative stress, which according to my understanding is the cause of my cancer. So I wanted to stop it. I got hormone therapy instead as I'd learned that oestrogen is the bad thing and should be eliminated. I used hormones for two months and stopped using them as well because strange things started to happen.

I had found something interesting from the Internet and met a person who I knew is doing microscopic blood analysis. This is what I've been looking for and didn't hesitate. I contacted Dr. Young and we agreed that I would travel immediately to his ranch and can have nutrition plus microscopic analysis training at the same time.

I met this person, Dr Young, who belongs to the 0.1% of persons who can fly as a wild bird, free, but knowing where he is going to. As I have noticed, there are persons who are highly educated though have no common sense, take the direction which is given. Persons who are intelligent, but through the whole world history intelligence can be used to false, even fatal purposes (Hitler, Stalin). Then: there is a tiny group of persons who have wisdom. It is to be seen as humanity, open mind, spiritual vision, awareness of the truth, love and care. Dr. Young is such a person, absolutely.

What he is teaching makes sense and is simple to understand. He says: there is only one physiological state of imbalance – the over-acidification of the body. He has documented this and shown in practice. I fully agree. Cause and effect relationship – this is needed as well as our own commitment to our well-being.

The secret of life is duality as Dr Young puts it. I have seen it in my life as well. You have to experience darkness before you find the light, feel unhappy before you understand what happiness means. Follow opinion leaders before you dare to take your own steps.

I have learned through my hard times the relativeness of things. Meaning of strong and weak varies. A person can look strong but is weak and vice versa. A person can be strong strong, strong weak, weak weak or weak strong. But weakness is the original strength.

Why I want to take weakness/strength - duality in this context? Because if you have a disease you are an object, seen as a weak link of the community. System (hospital, clinic, whatsoever) is taking the lead and you are suited into the needs of the system. It is not the purposeness, reliveness of your needs which is the driving force. At the pH Miracle Center this is different. You as the subject are actively taking part in your 'destiny'.

'Doctor managed perfect in the operation, but the patient died'; this is still true in many cases in medicine. Dr. Young's approach is holistic and lasts as long as a person maintains the lifestyle.

Ecological footprint is commonly discussed nowadays. I'd like to raise a new footprint designed just for Dr. Young: Give a meaning for the Universe -footprint. (in this case big footprint is ideal). For me he has given the meaning – to help people to learn to know about the pH Miracle. And it's my duty to the universe to do it. My own cancer is gone and I have found a new level of myself. Pleomorphism, Dr. Young's clever idea, can happen in a human being as well. Unbalanced, unhappy without direction, with fear ---> balanced, happy, with faith, aware of what, why and how. Ruin off the previous concepts if there is something better to be offered. There is now and I have ruined the previous ones.

To be or not to be - by Shakespeare. And, Shelley Young has said in other words prefer being instead of doing. Awareness and enlightment. These two things I have experienced during my visit at the ranch. Each person from the personnel tells the same story about Dr. Young. His dedication, vision and open mind. And this is true. Wild bird flies.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and honour to Dr. Robert and Shelley Young and the personnel at The pH Miracle Center.

Seek and you'll find. Knock, and the door will be opened.

Marjoa-Leena Hirvonen

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More aboutSeek And You Will Find The Cure For Cancer

Lose or Gain Weight NOW!

Posted by thomenda7xx on Friday, January 1, 2010

How much healthy weight do you want to lose or gain?

If you want to lose weight or gain weight may I suggest the following:

1) Watch the following You Tube videos at:

2) Read The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and follow the lifestyle and diet recommendations.

3) Order the pH Miracle Weight Loss Deluxe Nutritional Pack at:

4) Start the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and start losing or gaining weight.
More aboutLose or Gain Weight NOW!