The Omega 3, 6 and 9 groups of fatty acids all contain essential fatty acids necessary for good health. The difference between them lies in the position of the first double bond from the methyl end or the Omega end of the carbon chain. As its name implies, the Omega 3 fatty acids have their first double bond at the 3rd position from the end of the chain, and likewise with the other two. Omega 6 has its first double bond at the 6th position from the end and Omega 9 has it at the 9th position from the end of the chain.
The following table represents the main fatty acids found in Omega 3, 6 and 9 Essential Oil Blend:
The main components of Omega 3, 6, 9 Essential Oil Blend by pH Miracle Organic:
Omega 3
alpha-linolenic acid ALA Linolenic acid LA Oleic acid OA
Omega 6
eicosapentaenoic acid EPA Gamma-linolenic acid GLA
docosahexaenoic acid DHA Dihomogamma linolenic acid DLA
docosahexaenoic acid DHA Dihomogamma linolenic acid DLA
Omega 9
Arachidonic acid AA
The Most Important Omega 3 Oils
The most important 2 fatty acids in the Omega 3 family are EPA and DHA as these are in limited supply and found in real quantities of hemp oil. Although DHA is important for pregnant and nursing mothers and for young children for healthy development of the brain and vision, EPA can be considered the most important for everyone else as it is necessary for the efficient functioning of the brain and the body at a cellular level.
The Omega 3's have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties as well as many other important health benefits. They reduce inflammation and can provide protection against cardiovascular disease, arthritis, skin conditions, depression and other mood-related disorders.
The Omega 3's have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties as well as many other important health benefits. They reduce inflammation and can provide protection against cardiovascular disease, arthritis, skin conditions, depression and other mood-related disorders.
Omega 6
Although Omega 6 is wrongfully classed as pro-inflammatory, paradoxically, GLA, when sourced dietetically, has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help the bloating and pain associated with PMS. It also maintains healthy skin, hair and nails and generally helps to bring about hormonal and emotional balance.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 interact with each other so the balance between them is crucial for good health at a 2 to 1 ratio. Together they affect the production of hormonal type messengers called eicosanoids, which has an impact on inflammation in the body and all functions at a cellular level.
Omega 9
Omega 3 and Omega 6 interact with each other so the balance between them is crucial for good health at a 2 to 1 ratio. Together they affect the production of hormonal type messengers called eicosanoids, which has an impact on inflammation in the body and all functions at a cellular level.
Omega 9
Omega 9 also has many preventative qualities as its main component, Oleic acid, helps to reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Borage oil contains both Omega 6 and Omega 9 in the form of Gamma-linolenic acid and Oleic acid and is in fact, one of the best sources of GLA.
Pure EPA therefore contains a blend of all 3 of the important fatty acids EPA, GLA and OA making it an excellent choice of omega 3 6 9 supplement.
Benefits of Omega Dr Young’s 3 6 9 Essential Oil Blend
Omega fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. They are healthier than saturated fats and have many metabolic functions. There are many benefits of omega 3 6 9 supplementation.
Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids (EFA’s). Our bodies cannot manufacture them, and we must consume them in our diets. Omega 9 fatty acids are not essential. Our bodies need omega 9 fats, but we can manufacture them from other sources.
Omega 3 fatty acids prevent heart disease and the complications of heart attack. People who take omega 3 fatty acids have a lower mortality rate after heart attack than those who do not.
Omega 3 EFA’s improve cardiac risk factors, and help prevent CHD. They normalize lipid levels, lower blood pressure and improve glucose metabolism.
Omega 3’s may be helpful in a number of other conditions, to. Rheumatoid arthritis, depression, autism, and many other conditions may be improved by taking omega 3 EFA’s. They are necessary for growth and development, especially in the development of nervous tissue, and may improve cognitive function and emotional health.
Omega 6 fatty acids compete for enzymes with omega 3 EFA’s, so the amounts of the two need to be properly balanced. Less research has been done on omega 6 EFA’s than on omega 3’s. Most omega 6 fatty acids produce an inflammatory response that may be necessary for healthy immune system function. Research is beginning to indicate that one omega 6 EFA is, however, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and may be even more important for healthy hearts than omega 3 oils.
Omega 9, as mentioned, is not an essential fatty acid. Omega 9 oils are monounsaturated, and are found in olive oil. Olive oil is known to have beneficial health effects, and omega 9 oils may be necessary for healthy immune system functioning.
The benefits of omega 3 6 9 include all of the benefits of all three types of fatty oils. The amounts and ratios of each fatty acid are balanced to optimal levels of each. Taking an omega 3 6 9 supplement is a good way to ensure that you are getting essential nutrients for your good health.
The pH Miracle Organic Omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Oil Blend is a fantastic balance of omega oils with an ideal ratio of 2 to 1 to 1!